What have you been doing today?

Been piddling about with the electrics in the rental cottage. A breaker that controls one half of the consumer unit keeps popping. It controls 4 other breakers - cooker, downstairs lights, kitchen lights and 'garage fuse box'. (No garage but actually a car port). I managed to deduce it was the garage fuse box that was causing it to pop after about 5 minutes so left that off. Notified the owner because it controls 2 chest freezers in the car port that are full of food - both human and frozen raw dog food for his dogs. Luckily it’s cold here at the moment but he'll need to look at it pretty quick. Question for the sparkys on here - why isn’t the garage breaker popping but the main one is?
Sounds like its an RCD which trips due to earth fault, quite often caused by water ingress in outdoor sockets, lights etc. More sensitive than MCBs
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If the garage breaker is an MCB and the main one is an RCD, that might explain it.
Went to Monmouth today. Luckily only just inside the Welsh border so not too far to go at a stupidly slow 20mph. Second gear all the way. Had lunch there and I copied the meal a bloke had on the table next to me - eggs Benedict. It looked nice and tasted better. Something in the back of my mind reminded me of something I read years ago and that was never to have eggs Benedict in a restaurant unless the Hollandaise sauce is made fresh. Apparently it’s made with eggs and if kept warm too long, bacteria can build up. I didn’t check but I just about made it home and to the toilet. Might have been a coincidence though - Mrs Mottie said it’s all in my mind but I’m okay now. ;)

Edit: Here it is.

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Today I went to my first ever football match. I'm only 57...!

Mrs Secure moved to Newcastle-u-Lyme near Stoke in 1976 and her Dad took her and her brother to many matches. There have been many highs and lows since then.

When I announced I'd like to go to a footy match, she looked at me and said "Really? We are bound to lose...."

Anyway, we went.


My first impression was how small the pitch looked. Then when they kicked off, it all looked very odd compared to when it's on the telly and you get more of a balanced view.

My final observation was the absolute din of yelling and chanting you hear when you're in the stands, which is somewhat muted on the TV.

Mrs S was convinced we were going to get slaughtered, but to her amazement, Stoke were up one at half time and finished 2-0 full time.

She said I was her lucky charm and that she would buy me a season ticket so I could come to every home match!
Today I went to my first ever football match. I'm only 57...!

Mrs Secure moved to Newcastle-u-Lyme near Stoke in 1976 and her Dad took her and her brother to many matches. There have been many highs and lows since then.

When I announced I'd like to go to a footy match, she looked at me and said "Really? We are bound to lose...."

Anyway, we went.

View attachment 335152

My first impression was how small the pitch looked. Then when they kicked off, it all looked very odd compared to when it's on the telly and you get more of a balanced view.

My final observation was the absolute din of yelling and chanting you hear when you're in the stands, which is somewhat muted on the TV.

Mrs S was convinced we were going to get slaughtered, but to her amazement, Stoke were up one at half time and finished 2-0 full time.

She said I was her lucky charm and that she would buy me a season ticket so I could come to every home match!
I think was about your age when I went to my first premier league match, it was a freebie from the wholesalers, private box, three course meal & unlimited grog, Liverpool v West Brom, it was ok but never had the urge to repeat
I think was about your age when I went to my first premier league match, it was a freebie from the wholesalers, private box, three course meal & unlimited grog, Liverpool v West Brom, it was ok but never had the urge to repeat
Did you only go for the grub and grog?

In which case, winner winner, probably not chicken dinner but what the heck!
Luckily it’s cold here at the moment but he'll need to look at it pretty quick. Question for the sparkys on here - why isn’t the garage breaker popping but the main one is?

What type, MCB's RCD's, RCBO's - we need to know?
Walked to the pub local to where we are staying. Had some local beer, Butty Bach, very nice. Had fillet steak and chips and walked back. Susie behaved herself too - didn’t square up to the other dog on the next table which is unusual for her!

Went to Monmouth today. Luckily only just inside the Welsh border so not too far to go at a stupidly slow 20mph. Second gear all the way. Had lunch there and I copied the meal a bloke had on the table next to me - eggs Benedict. It looked nice and tasted better. Something in the back of my mind reminded me of something I read years ago and that was never to have eggs Benedict in a restaurant unless the Hollandaise sauce is made fresh. Apparently it’s made with eggs and if kept warm too long, bacteria can build up. I didn’t check but I just about made it home and to the toilet. Might have been a coincidence though - Mrs Mottie said it’s all in my mind but I’m okay now. ;)

Edit: Here it is.

View attachment 335153
There is a coffee shop that serves very good coffee on the high street. I think it's called Monmouth.

Not sure if it has anything to do with the Monmouth coffee shop at

Borough Market​

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