What have you Bought thats British made

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British potatoes
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I've made a few cups of tea today - the water is British made. Does that count?

And I fancy a sausage roll from the coop, if they still have some ... that'll be British.
I've made a few cups of tea today - the water is British made. Does that count?

And I fancy a sausage roll from the coop, if they still have some ... that'll be British.

Well done.... some will only use Volvic, you showing good patriotism will only serve to incourage others...
Thanks, like to do my bit!

Anybody who buys bottled water in the UK is, IMO, mad.
Waste of money, and creates more plastic waste. Plus, it all just comes out of a tap anyway - there isn't some bloke in France with a bucket down a well filling the bottles!
Thanks, like to do my bit!

Anybody who buys bottled water in the UK is, IMO, mad.
Waste of money, and creates more plastic waste. Plus, it all just comes out of a tap anyway - there isn't some bloke in France with a bucket down a well filling the bottles!
This would be a good time to point out that bottled water is not classified as drinking water, it is actually classified as food. Therefore, it is not covered by the drinking water regulations, it is covered by the food act. Tap water, on the other had, is covered by the drinking water regulations.
If you get a bottle of water and the label says drinking water, that means it came out of a tap.
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Anybody who buys bottled water in the UK is, IMO, mad.
Waste of money, and creates more plastic waste. Plus, it all just comes out of a tap anyway - there isn't some bloke in France with a bucket down a well filling the bottles!

I don't like the taste of chlorine, so buy bottled water. Only the Asda/Aldi stuff, but it's got a far better/cleaner taste than tap. Don't really follow the recycling religion, but I do actually recycle the important stuff like plastic, bottles, batteries and tins. Only last week I put out 10 litres of used motor oil. Don't mind doing a bit, but it's not going to take over my life like many saddos in this country.
Thanks, like to do my bit!

Anybody who buys bottled water in the UK is, IMO, mad.
Waste of money, and creates more plastic waste. Plus, it all just comes out of a tap anyway - there isn't some bloke in France with a bucket down a well filling the bottles!

I'm mad. But only on occasions. I take tap water in a bottle to work with me but have Bottled water in the van and car as back up or emergencies. It doesn't sit ✅️ right with me regarding the plastic but my health is more important.
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