What's a troll?



So what is a troll? and what bad do they do? don't they keep a thread going? and is benig a troll against forum rules?

(not taking sides, would like to understand)
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So what is a troll? and what bad do they do? don't they keep a thread going? and is benig a troll against forum rules?

(not taking sides, would like to understand)

In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.

In addition to the offending poster, the noun “troll” can also refer to the provocative message itself, as in that was an excellent troll you posted. While the term troll and its associated action, trolling, are primarily associated with Internet discourse, media attention in recent years has made such labels highly subjective, with 'trolling' being used to describe many intentionally provocative actions outside of an online context.

still don't see why it's such a big issue?
Surely we come across people like that everyday in real life?

And the best thing to do has got to be just ignore their comments?
still don't see why it's such a big issue?
Surely we come across people like that everyday in real life?

And the best thing to do has got to be just ignore their comments?

Like put them on ignore?
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Trolls are a personification of our day to day frustrations.

To get rid of them, we simply need to get along. ;)
a troll seems to be someone that joins a forum and does not seem to meet the criteria of the locals...

when he or she is then getting a little frustrated... the medium states.... you are a troll.....

maybe one day we will all get out of our prams....

or would that put more onus and cost to the government... :D :D :D
Whenever the forum dullards lose an argument they start calling you a troll. What they really mean is that you've out argued them and they realise they can't beat you. Just like in the F1 thread. :LOL:
Whenever the forum dullards lose an argument they start calling you a troll. What they really mean is that you've out argued them and they realise they can't beat you. Just like in the F1 thread. :LOL:

thank you.... took the words.. etc.
Not really sure why I’m posting this but anyway :rolleyes: . Troll’s can usually be regarded as dicks but they come in different guises & with different motives. They are (usually) always intelligent, otherwise they would not merit the “Troll” label! You occasionally get “would be” Trolls who register & create as much havoc as possible in a very short space of time but aren’t taken seriously by the regulars & are usually dismissed quickly by Mods.

But then there is the “super troll” & these guys are the most intelligent of all. They are very knowledgeable, will come & go, often with months between posts & will disappear almost as quickly as they arrived till next time. The main aim seems to be to be to upset the status quo of any forum that becomes a bit too "settled" regardless. Forums have to be seen to be an “interesting” forum (whatever that is) to keep adds coming in & I sometimes wonder if some “Trolls” are on the payroll! But I can be prone to a little paranoia :LOL:
Not really sure why I’m posting this but anyway :rolleyes: . Troll’s can usually be regarded as dicks but they come in different guises & with different motives. They are (usually) always intelligent, otherwise they would not merit the “Troll” label! You occasionally get “would be” Trolls who register & create as much havoc as possible in a very short space of time but aren’t taken seriously by the regulars & are usually dismissed quickly by Mods.

But then there is the “super troll” & these guys are the most intelligent of all. They are very knowledgeable, will come & go, often with months between posts & will disappear almost as quickly as they arrived till next time. The main aim seems to be to be to upset the status quo of any forum that becomes a bit too "settled" regardless. Forums have to be seen to be an “interesting” forum (whatever that is) to keep adds coming in & I sometimes wonder if some “Trolls” are on the payrole! But I can be prone to a little paranoia :LOL:

you seem very knowledgeable about them.... please not the wicki thing....

and its payroll..... :) :)
Umm trolls admin stir things up a bit when things get boring .
Perish the thought :D
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