When in doubt... say nowt!

She is 'of the faith' though Dex. I agree though, no need to apologise, I just don't like her! ;) :D
Think you're living in denial of your true feelings for here Blas. As for her being a "bad catholic" as she put it, she doesn't understand the rules of the game. Once "in", it's either "all" or "hell and damnation". But we digress...... (goad, goad ;) :LOL: :LOL: )
I'm a left footer mate! Believe me, you can choose. :D ;)

is left footedness a religion? :eek:
You are joking? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_religious_slurs[/QUOTE]

oh ok... wikipedia be lore!!!! ;)
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Heed or Pubic :?: (louse) Did he also write " Here ah sit broken Hearted - spent a penny an` only farted"
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i went to a "proddy" school and we used to see the catholic schoolkids with them and called them targets :oops:
i went to a "proddy" school and we used to see the catholic schoolkids with them and called them targets :oops:
Our catholic priest smoked like a trooper. We were convinced he just used his fag ash to 'mark' us. :LOL:
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