When is this going to stop?

No, they don't.
I come across dogs everyday on my bike and they usually don't chase me.
Most dogs are well trained and ignore cyclists and people on foot.
Some dogs are nasty and should be on a short lead and muzzled when in a public place.
But the owners think that because their dog doesn't attack them, it is fine to let them attack others.
Fortunately I have very strong legs and a kick never fails to hurt.
You mention going faster.
I cycle in woods on a mountain bike, how fast do you think one can go?
20mph at best, topping 23/24mph on flat gravel.
Besides, why should I be the one running away when having a dog out of control is an offence.
Unless you tell me that cycling in presence of dogs is an offence...

Where do you bike ride to meet so many dog walkers? I would have thought you are on the roads and they are on the pavement?
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Where do you bike ride to meet so many dog walkers? I would have thought you are on the roads and they are on the pavement?

You don't have to meet many. One is sometimes too many.

I have been chased, barked at, and had dogs try to bite me, while cycling over t'Chase.

None on leads.

I've even had some ***** fat b!tch try to hit me with a bag of dog shoite because, even though her mutt ran close to 100 yds to attack me - twice - it was somehow me being unreasonable when I aimed a kick at it..............
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ANY dog owner that categorically states 'my dog would never ...' is taking complete and utter *******s because no one can categorically say anything about another animal. If you're reading this thinking 'oh well I CAN categorically say it matey!!!' then you're an idiot.

When is it going to stop? Never. With regard to the inbred and sub-culture who want such dogs as status symbols etc, they'll simply move on to another breed if they can't have their breed of choice.

As for other cases when an ordinary e.g. family dog goes rogue and chases a cyclist in the park, perhaps with the intent of biting the cyclist if caught, the only way you'll stop that is mandatory muzzling of all dogs when in public. And that ain't going to happen.
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Where do you bike ride to meet so many dog walkers? I would have thought you are on the roads and they are on the pavement?
Plenty of mountain cyclists where I walk my dog every day in one of our country parks. Horses too. Although my dog had never bothered a horse, I always slip a lead on her when one comes along.
Dogs seem to sense fear in people and in their owners, fear is other side of the coin from aggression. Our neighbour got a Romanian rescue dog ( that seemed to be a thing a while back) that was hyper sensitive /aggressive to anyone in sight. Always barked aggressively and non stop. But when I walked past it was fine, I put it down to the fact I got on with the lady and was always calm around the dog.
The only way to seriously curtail this is by:

Introducing a registration scheme where your name and address and dob is put on a database along with details of the dog.

There will be a mandatory requirement for public liability insurance, as ther will be for muzzling in all public places.

A chip will be placed in the dog, which can be updated every year on renewal of the registration and insurance.

Dog wardens employed by local councils will go round doing spot checks on animals. No registration or chip or outdated chips will mean the animal is confiscated.

That should help the situation.

if you want to own an animal, you should be prepared to take responsibility for it.

If you own a car, you should have insurance etc...and if you don't, you know what will happen. As it should be for dogs.
The only way to seriously curtail this is by:

Introducing a registration scheme where your name and address and dob is put on a database along with details of the dog.

There will be a mandatory requirement for public liability insurance, as ther will be for muzzling in all public places.

A chip will be placed in the dog, which can be updated every year on renewal of the registration and insurance.

Dog wardens employed by local councils will go round doing spot checks on animals. No registration or chip or outdated chips will mean the animal is confiscated.

That should help the situation.

if you want to own an animal, you should be prepared to take responsibility for it.

If you own a car, you should have insurance etc...and if you don't, you know what will happen. As it should be for dogs.
That might work but creating a lot of admin doesn't make a dog less dangerous
The only way to seriously curtail this is by:
Banning all dogs except working/care ones...

'Dog lovers' seem to believe that their right to 'own' a potential killer overrides that of the victims!

Essex plod said, "Officers added that there was no wider threat to the community and the scene is now safe for members of the public"

So what about all those other potential killer dogs out there?

It would be interesting to hear from dog owners as to the threat they perceive from their own dogs as opposed to terrorists in the UK ;)
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You can never stop this happening altogether.

Same as driving without insurance and injuring or killing someone.

But you can put in place what you can to lessen the incidence.
According to BBC News, there were two adult dogs and six puppies in the house.
Concerns had previously been raised that they were aggressive and dangerouse.
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