Where is all this PPE equipment and supposed money for the NHS?

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
GPs in parts of the UK have been banned from speaking out publicly over concerns about personal protective equipment (PPE) and asked to remove face visors to avoid 'frightening patients'.


Dr Simon Walsh, the British Medical Association’s (BMA) emergency medicine spokesman, said the government “needed to be honest” about the supply of personal protection equipment (PPE).


GPs trying to access NHS England’s ‘emergency’ PPE told to buy their own


NHS staff are being gagged from speaking out about widespread shortages of personal protective equipment that they fear could risk their lives from the coronavirus, frontline medics claim.
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Not really. If the public knew half the truth, they’d be frightened witless. What’s to be gained?
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Not really. If the public knew half the truth, they’d be frightened witless. What’s to be gained?

Ok. I understand better where you are coming from. You think the medical staff on the frontline want to go public with this? They have been let down badly and now feel that the only way to get ministers to act is public pressure.

I agree - this should be resolved in house but when the staff both in hospitals and primary care use the procurement system they are finding it at odds with ministers and PHE annoucements.

Matt Hancock deleted a tweet yesterday about how much PPE equipment there is.

Jenny Harries had to backtrack today what she said about PPE equipment a fortnight ago.

Just tell the truth or as much of it as you can - rather than spin. I would support the Government on that.
All. Governments are economical with the actual alletere

Always have been

Always will be

Tis the way government works ;)
Then of course there are those who deliberately cause problems with in governments

Civil servants ;) other un elected officials ;)
Who have an agenda ;)

Deliberate leaks to the press ;)

Fake news

Basically Saboteurs ;) lurking in the back ground ;)
Some of these doctors / experts??

Probably have there own agenda, ;)

Might be remoaners

Or those effected by that pension caper ;)

Pay back time for all of there gripes and complaints ;) or those who did not get funding for gender reassignment research
The Govt. have effed up royally. Delays and inaction, no testing for CV, no PPE.

And he's swanning round like a to$$er trying to look like a wartime hero.

Money available to those suddenly unemployed has gone to rats too - leaving many without any income at all. Looks like businesses too are on the same way, due to the banks not doing what the government told us they would do.
Government schemes generally turn out to be s*** after the rhetoric dies down

Administered by pencil pushers devoid of common sense reading off a script
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