Wild West

It appears that Anthony Wedgewood Benn once announced in parliament that if people were not listened to they should RIOT (he shouted this last word).
I believe there is a distinct possibility that this will one day happen,

I've always said that we need to be more French and stop the politicians riding roughshod over the people in this country. Trouble is, the French are smart enough to know that if they stick together, they will usually get a better deal. Brits will never manage this, and are more likely to end up fighting amongst themselves.
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More police on the beat is not the solution. It would be a one in a million chance if they stumbled across and managed to prevent retribution crimes like this. I'm pretty sure that JBR and his gang don't want their tax money going to babysitting sink estates and slums around the country
In isolation, no. However, if the courts handed down meaningful punishments and the police, therefore, had the will and the means to uphold the law, I think things would be a good deal better.

As things are, those with criminal tendencies have nothing to fear from the law or the police: if, by some unlikely chance, they are sent to jail they will think nothing of it. Many of them will actually live a more comfortable life for a few weeks at no expense.

That's the real problem. Going to jail for me would be disastrous. Going to jail for repeat offenders is a holiday.

Incidentally, I am not a member of any gang and never have been.
Gun crime is a fallout from mass immigration, look at the statistics, another factor is that there is no longer a deterrent to violent crime.
Since the abolition of the death penalty the murder rate has risen significantly.
Police routinely carry guns and all now have to wear stab vests.
Gun crime is a fallout from mass immigration, look at the statistics, another factor is that there is no longer a deterrent to violent crime.
Since the abolition of the death penalty the murder rate has risen significantly.
Police routinely carry guns and all now have to wear stab vests.
What a load of twaddle.
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Capital punishment abolished 1965 (although finally fully repealed in 1998!)
Murders in 1965 = 364
Murders last year = 534
Capital punishment abolished 1965 (although finally fully repealed in 1998!)
Murders in 1965 = 364
Murders last year = 534
I think it might be a little more helpful to quote proportions rather than raw data.

I was unaware that it wasn't fully repealed until 1998. Are there any known reasons for the delay?
Murders in 1965 = 364
Murders last year = 534
These figures are meaningless in terms of murder rates relating to the abolition of the death penalty.
For instance, it does not show that the murder rates peaked in 2004 and have been falling since. Or that murder rates have climbed steadily since before the death penalty and that there have been peaks and troughs throughout recorded crime.
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Capital punishment abolished 1965 (although finally fully repealed in 1998!)
Murders in 1965 = 364
Murders last year = 534

1965 was when the British Nationality Act was introduced. Wasn't that the year immigration really got going?
The murder peak was in 2002/2003 with 1047 recorded murders. Just to show how misleading raw statistics can be that figure includes 173 murders committed by Harold Shipman!

Whilst the 2005/2006 figure includes the 52 people murdered in the London bombings.
I was unaware that it wasn't fully repealed until 1998. Are there any known reasons for the delay?

Until I did a bit of background reading I was unaware that capital punishment for murder was only suspended in '65 and required further legislation to actually repeal the law. Murder was still a capital crime in Northern Ireland until '73. The usual suspects (arson in HM shipyards, treason etc) were still capital crimes until '98 and certain 'military crimes' were still capital (e.g. mutiny, helping the enemy) until the same date.
And to make things better, the government are planning on bringing in such huge cuts to Lancashire Police that they will have to sell off all their guns to be able to pay for their evening tea.

Policing will be done from the station, with home visits only "on the way home from work" :)
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