


What do people think?

I really hate it. I remember as a kid seeing haystacks and all that staged nonsense, put me off for good. But i see the WWF/E? going so strong.... is it still as badly staged managed and false? or am i missing something
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great actors, should all receive oscars, brilliant timing though.
I will watch it if theres nothing better.

I can remember going with my parents to see Les Kellet, Jackie Pallo and Mick Mc Manus when I was young (well before Giant Haystacks,, and Big Daddies time).
I have watched the WWE wrestling and have to admit, admiring their timing and showmanship etc, although I can remember watching a ladies match on tv some years ago featuring a lady called Chyna, She tried to pull off some stunt, and mis-timed it badly. Her opponent , obviously realised it and called the ref over to stop the match. (so much for being the worst of enemies)
Turned out she had actually broken a vertebrae in her neck, effectively ending her career..
Most of the WWE stuff is so obviously staged, but cracking entertainment all the same. ;) ;) ;)
that is precisely why it is carp.. at least a soap opera has a context and a self realisation that it is made up..... wrestling should be banned shouldn't it?
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I'm not so sure that the olde style Big Daddy wrestling was so setup, as my Father knew one of the wrestlers involved in it, they really went for it, OK maybe some theatricals, but no love lost. The WWF/E, is totally manufactured for entertainment.

Can you imagine Big Daddy and Giant Haystacks, SWEAT content? They were massive, and put their all into their sport. Surprised they didn't have a heart attack in the ring!
I can remember going with my parents to see Les Kellet, Jackie Pallo and Mick Mc Manus when I was young (well before Giant Haystacks,, and Big Daddies time).
Jimmy Breaks . Strong Man Dennison .The Royal Bros. Catweasel :LOL: and Kent Walton `s voice . Brilliant TV.
that is precisely why it is carp.. at least a soap opera has a context and a self realisation that it is made up..... wrestling should be banned shouldn't it?
I`ve heard that Greco- Roman style goes down well in Brighton :p
I have never and will never see it because its theatrical fighting, stage managed and appeals to people who like that sort of thing. It I believe, does no harm to anybody like, mugging, rape, MP's stealing and child pornograph. So if it doesn't fit in any category like that why ban it?. You really should get a handle on what is bad and what is ok in this world before crying out to ban some harmless fun for somebody.

Mick McManus 2nd from right - age 89? this year.

Haven't watched since McManus v Pallo were regularly featured on cup final day. Saw Les Kellet way, way back - hilarious !

Fek all my illusions ruined i thought it was for real 2 twenty stoners knocking hell into each other only to be beat up by a wee wifey with an umbrella when they fell out the ring.

Side track
Mates dad waS called mick mcmanus his freind was tommy cooper back in seventies they where staggering up the road late at night when a copper stopped them .
Names he asks
When they give them he says stop taking the pish and give the real ones or your lifted . Went on for a good while before plod believed them.
Have to agree that all that american rubbish is way too staged to be entertaining, I may as well watch a disney cartoon it's more realistic.
For what it's worth as a kid I remember the itv wrestling show on saturday early evenings and I did like it, but prefered the lightweight bouts moreso than the heavys .As nige mentions the royal brothers were class and if they were staging the whole thing did it in a far more convincing way than do the "stars" of today.
You really should get a handle on what is bad and what is ok in this world before crying out to ban some harmless fun for somebody.

but you can tell me what to think or say though can you?

and if you read back, i asked if it should be banned.... i was trying to provoke debate. I actually don't think it should be banned, nor should eastenders and i hate that and wrestling equally.
My point is then, why ask for it to be banned when there are so many more things we need to get rid of that are so much worse.
My point is then, why ask for it to be banned when there are so many more things we need to get rid of that are so much worse.

no, your point is ... put someone down because you dont agree with them !! I NEVER SAID IT SHOULD BE BANNED ffs !!! i asked if it should.... i even told you i thought it shouldn't be !!!!

Jeez, egos on this site get ridiculous sometimes.... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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