Yet more islamic peadophillia . . .

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It's about time someone got to the bone of it I can remember idi armin when he threw all the aisians out of Uganda god if this country had a leader with the guts to do that I'd vote for him
joe - you are getting extremely close to the bone.

Close to the truth? Yes I suppose I am. Not everyone has your brainwashed vision of Britain. Get over it.

When do YOU think the UK is full then. Will you tell us? (he won't, he can't). :rolleyes:
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It's about time someone got to the bone of it I can remember idi armin when he threw all the aisians out of Uganda god if this country had a leader with the guts to do that I'd vote for him

I guess you don't know about all the other horrific things idi armin did?

Also idi armin didn't get into power through being voted in....and if someone of that ilk ever came to power in the uk I doubt you or I wold ever have the opportunity to vote or air our opinions again
It's about time someone got to the bone of it I can remember idi armin when he threw all the aisians out of Uganda god if this country had a leader with the guts to do that I'd vote for him

I guess you don't know about all the other horrific things idi armin did?

Also idi armin didn't get into power through being voted in....and if someone of that ilk ever came to power in the uk I doubt you or I wold ever have the opportunity to vote or air our opinions again

When ordinary decent people start thinking about leaders with idi amins methods then isn't it time to start listening and stop the apologising?

I predict another big boost for ukip after this muslim malarkey.
And good job too.
It's the only medicine that will make our dictators listen.
sorry mate, but if someone ordaniary and decent thinks like this then either a) the don't actually know what idi armin did to his country b) they are not ordaniary or decend.

but yes i understand the general gist of what you mean, when people become frustrated they go to extreme measures to try to be heard.

a good example would be voting for ukip. a party with absolutely no idea about politics, except playing on peoples distrust of the EU.

our country would be truly screwed if tukip got into power. however that's never going to happen. all voting for ukip will do is return labour to govern with a majority.
No, we've passed a tipping point. Enough people realise we can get out of Europe now. They are a major party now.
The migration issue aside, what other benefits are there of leaving the EU?

Given that 50% of exports go to the EU, such a move to leave the EU would likely kill off what little manufacturing this country has left and send us more up the swanny.

Other than wishing to leave the EU - what do you know about the rest of UKIPs policies?
The migration issue aside, what other benefits are there of leaving the EU?

So it doesn't bother you that we have various MEP's being paid handsome salaries with little democratic power and even less accountability, that we have an EU parliament which is running a large deficit (which it technically it isn't allowed to do), that it is constantly mired in dodgy accounts, and that many EU laws are not written in our favour, but because they are EU laws we cannot opt out.

Further we have EU institutions which constantly overspend against budget, and fail to deliver targets, yet again, as per MEP's, we have little democratic power to do anything about this.

We would also be able to negotiate our own trade agreements (The EU is negotiating a free trade agreement with the US, which we could have done for ourselves possibly decades ago).

More democratic accountability for our own MP's, as they could no longer hide behind the excuse of "it's the EU's fault".

And less EU dictated projects and laws that cost money and do not necessary fit our culture (one example being the changes to motorbike licensing, which will make it much harder for people to gain licenses, despite the fact WE have some of the safest roads in europe).

But yea.....Other than all that and immigration.....What have we got to gain?

Given that 50% of exports go to the EU, such a move to leave the EU would likely kill off what little manufacturing this country has left and send us more up the swanny.

1. Is china in the EU, it must be because it exports to the EU?

2. Look up the The European Free Trade Association (EFTA), little reason why we wouldn't be able to join it.

3. The EU is a member of WTO.

4. We import more than we export to the EU, it would be extremely unlikely they would stop trade with us, and as above they would be hamstrung if they tried to.

5. You are stupid to even think this

Other than wishing to leave the EU - what do you know about the rest of UKIPs policies?

Who cares, if their other policies are ****, then they will just do a U-turn on them when in power, as they will go under the spotlight and be ripped apart by the opposition.

That's how the system works.

Look at the Tories on their welfare reform, this is something on their main platform, so they HAVE to push through with the changes or lose a lot credibility. Yet they are finding it a massive uphill slog, and still end up watering some of it down (who in their right mind thinks a £400 weekly benefit cap is still not low enough, it's still more than about 1/4 of the working population earns).

So if UKIP get in, and their secondary policies are utter poop, they will just U-turn on them.

What REALLY matters is their exit strategy, and that is really lacking, but then all the parties suffer from this, as they simply will not acknowledge it as a possibility.
So it doesn't bother you that we have various MEP's being paid handsome salaries with little democratic power and even less accountability, that we have an EU parliament which is running a large deficit (which it technically it isn't allowed to do), that it is constantly mired in dodgy accounts, and that many EU laws are not written in our favour, but because they are EU laws we cannot opt out.


It does bother me Aron, but no more than our own MPs and Lords and our own goverment that has a massive deficit and little accountability other than to big business that funds their election battles.

EU laws are written to level the playing field across Europe. You can't have free trade without standardisation of laws otherwise you get some countries having a competitive advantage over others through legislation or lack of it.

Further we have EU institutions which constantly overspend against budget, and fail to deliver targets, yet again, as per MEP's, we have little democratic power to do anything about this.


The UK insitiutions are no better. And you can do something about it - you can vote for your MEP.

We would also be able to negotiate our own trade agreements (The EU is negotiating a free trade agreement with the US, which we could have done for ourselves possibly decades ago).


Negotiation is all about leverage. You can only negotiate fairly if both parties have something to offer that the other wants.

Being part of a large body (I.e. EU, NATO, Commonwealth) means the UK has a bigger voice than on it's own. When you are negotiating with the largest economy in the world you need to have a bit of clought yourself to ensure that an agreement benefits you as much as the other party - something alas the UK no longer has on its own.

More democratic accountability for our own MP's, as they could no longer hide behind the excuse of "it's the EU's fault".


That's for you, as an informed voter, to decide when our MPs are at fault or when the EU is actually to blame.

And less EU dictated projects and laws that cost money and do not necessary fit our culture (one example being the changes to motorbike licensing, which will make it much harder for people to gain licenses, despite the fact WE have some of the safest roads in europe).

But yea.....Other than all that and immigration.....What have we got to gain?

I think our own governement invents enough of it's own unnecessary laws. Specifically on motor bikes - despite having some of the safest roads your chances of getting hurt or killed when riding a bike are massively greater than in a car, so I whole heartedly agree with improving the licensing process to educate riders further.

Given that 50% of exports go to the EU, such a move to leave the EU would likely kill off what little manufacturing this country has left and send us more up the swanny.

1. Is china in the EU, it must be because it exports to the EU?


China exports everywhere in the world because it has the competitive advantage of having some of the lowest labour costs in the world, a massive population, and loose laws and regulations. Meaning that is basically can produced anything at a fraction of the cost of production in the EU.

Even with the export costs and tarrifs it would still be cheaper to by most products from China than from the UK.

2. Look up the The European Free Trade Association (EFTA), little reason why we wouldn't be able to join it.


Well aware of EFTA. As you may know the UK was a member of EFTA before leaving to join the EU.

EFTA members still have to contribute to the EU budget in proportion with the size of their population in order to access the common market, and abide by the vast marjoirty of EU laws. However, the do not get a say in the formulation of EU law nor then do not actually receive any of the distribution of funds from the budget.

Therefore the UK would still need to pay a BIG chunk of cash to the EU to be part of the EFTA, but then don't get our veto (very important) nor do we get any EU funding back, nor do we get a say in any new laws.

3. The EU is a member of WTO.


As is the UK but the WTO can only promote free trade, is does not legislate free trade.

4. We import more than we export to the EU, it would be extremely unlikely they would stop trade with us, and as above they would be hamstrung if they tried to.


Think of it this way Aron - what does the UK exclusively produce that the EU couldn't get elsewhere? No much. We're good at Financial Services, military equipment, Wiskey (?), but these things are industries that can be replicated elsewhere.

Whereas we are reliant on other countries for so much manufacturing that will simply never come back to the UK.

High end electronics - Asia,
Cars - Europe, Asia,
Planes - Usa, Europe
Food - Europe & Africa
Energy - Europe & Middle East
Low end goods - China

We will still have to import goods through necessity as we simple don't have the manufacturing base to be self-sufficient.

5. You are stupid to even think this


I think you'll find I'm not.

Other than wishing to leave the EU - what do you know about the rest of UKIPs policies?

Who cares, if their other policies are s**t, then they will just do a U-turn on them when in power, as they will go under the spotlight and be ripped apart by the opposition.

That's how the system works.


U turn to what excatly??? If their headline policies are rubbish then surely the plan B will be worse?

Or are you expecting them to then follow what the opposition says?? ha. If UKIP were to form a majority goverment, then they don't have to listen to the opposition at all! They can make whatever changes they like until they are voted out at the next election.

Even as part of a minority government their demands would stop a government functioning property.

What's that going to do to consumer confidence, or potenital investment in the UK - it's going to be shot to pieces and the already fragile economy will suffer more.

Look at the Tories on their welfare reform, this is something on their main platform, so they HAVE to push through with the changes or lose a lot credibility. Yet they are finding it a massive uphill slog, and still end up watering some of it down (who in their right mind thinks a £400 weekly benefit cap is still not low enough, it's still more than about 1/4 of the working population earns).


Yep, it's a massive problem because the conservatives are part of a coalition goverment and thus make concessions to the lib dems in order to get legislation voted through.

Also there's a massive problem that so many people are now reliant on benefits - not just those 'scroungers' but also good, honest working folk that can't get by on the wage their paid.

So if UKIP get in, and their secondary policies are utter poop, they will just U-turn on them.

What REALLY matters is their exit strategy, and that is really lacking, but then all the parties suffer from this, as they simply will not acknowledge it as a possibility.

Again U turn to what?

Given the conservatives have already promised an in/out vote on the EU after the next election I don't see what purpose the UKIP party exists for - other than to ensure that Labour are returned to power in 2015.
We'll have a con/UKIP coalition.

I doubt it - because most of the UKIP voters are from a conservative background.

One more vote for UKIP = one less vote for conservative.

Labour basis support usually relatively static - because the voter's father/grandfather would 'turn in their grave' if they voted a different way.

Labour win a majority because the conservative vote is split.
Well that's the voting system that the people voted for when they turned down PR. Serves them right really.
Yep I agree.

The problem is that I don't think many of the electorate realise that a vote for UKIP is a proxy vote for labour. If they did, then might consider an alternative party.

I always think about my mate in Edinburgh who told me he always had to vote labour, despite dispising them and their policies, as if he didn't the SNP party would win the seat. Ironic really.
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