You wouldnt get away with it now!

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Black comedians use the n word , it's not the same as a white person using it.

I find that in itself racist. :eek:

In what way, my statement is racist ; or the different levels of acceptance of the word is ?

Don't talk so daft...The word ni**er has been used by blacks in the States for decades as a derogatory term.It has always been accepted as a term of abuse in the black community.But not accepted when it comes out of the mouths of whites.
Get yourself a copy of 'Manchild in the promised land' (1950s) by Claude Brown if you want to find out what that word meant to the blacks in Harlem.
If you are not aware of the weight of culture and history behind derogatory words try and think of it in these terms

1 -Out for a few drinks with a bunch of friends . You tell you rmate you've lost your keys .Your mate laughs and calls you an 'effing muppet'

2- Out for a few drinks and a stranger at the bar snarls at you and calls you an 'effing muppet'

Same words
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Yes but Pacci shop isn't derogatory, it means the corner shop that's open all hours.
Yes but Pacci shop isn't derogatory, it means the corner shop that's open all hours.

Perhaps that's the way it's meant by you joe, but if you had seen 'P***s go home' sprayed across a burned out shop, or your experience of the term was some NF /BNP moron using it as a term of abuse you would take a different view.

Myabe it's just me, but I don't see the harm in simply not using a word that may be offensive, rather than digging my heels in trying to prove that I can use it because someone else has used it etc.

Surely we can moderate our language in front of kids so why not use the same thought process for others out of courtesy?
Don't talk so daft...The word ni**er has been used by blacks in the States for decades as a derogatory term.It has always been accepted as a term of abuse in the black community.But not accepted when it comes out of the mouths of whites.

My point was not that it was OK for whites to say it- it clearly is offensive. Just a bit odd that it's OK for blacks to use it. Bit cake and eat it I feel. Are their words that it's only OK for whites to call each other? Just askin.
If you are not aware of the weight of culture and history behind derogatory words try and think of it in these terms

1 -Out for a few drinks with a bunch of friends . You tell you rmate you've lost your keys .Your mate laughs and calls you an 'effing muppet'

2- Out for a few drinks and a stranger at the bar snarls at you and calls you an 'effing muppet'

Same words

So I can call black friends that word if I say it nicely?
I have black friends that I have called "my ******" as a term of endearment.
They have called me chalky, honkey, casper (as in white ghost), they said they would take the n word as long as there diks where not as small as mine.
I have also seen them gonna stab.someone who called black ****s.
That hurt them more than the n word
I they go around stabbing people then they deserve the name eh?
If you are not aware of the weight of culture and history behind derogatory words try and think of it in these terms

1 -Out for a few drinks with a bunch of friends . You tell you rmate you've lost your keys .Your mate laughs and calls you an 'effing muppet'

2- Out for a few drinks and a stranger at the bar snarls at you and calls you an 'effing muppet'

Same words

So I can call black friends that word if I say it nicely?

You'd have to ask them ......:cool:

I was ust illustrating context , it's not a literal example !
If you are not aware of the weight of culture and history behind derogatory words try and think of it in these terms

1 -Out for a few drinks with a bunch of friends . You tell you rmate you've lost your keys .Your mate laughs and calls you an 'effing muppet'

2- Out for a few drinks and a stranger at the bar snarls at you and calls you an 'effing muppet'

Same words

So I can call black friends that word if I say it nicely?

You'd have to ask them ......:cool:

I was ust illustrating context , it's not a literal example !

Truthfully I've got a few coloured mates and the "my n***er" phrase gets used both ways. I just sometimes think that pussying around these words has helped to keep them as "shocking" as they still are. Other words that were once offensive have kind of become softened where people have given up constantly objecting to them. Saying that its ok for blacks to use a word but not whites seems to enforce the serious racial overtones when in reality a lot of these words could just become non offensive nicknames like aussie or pomme.
No offence intended.
I found one of the one thing that really gets them is "coloured"!
my old man still calls some of them half caste, cant get the mixed race thing into his head although ive tried, different generations! :oops:
I found one of the one thing that really gets them is "coloured"!
my old man still calls some of them half caste, cant get the mixed race thing into his head although ive tried, different generations! :oops:

A rose by any other name ...
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