Better headphone volume.

1 Jul 2007
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Hertfordshire & London
United Kingdom
H&S aside, I am fed up with low volumes on iTunes,. i have uppe dhte volume wihtin software as much as possible, but on some files it has already started to distort.

CDan anyone recommend the best way to up the volume to headphones.

Don't mind blowing up to £100 as long as it doesn't mean replacing the Logitech speakers have (with headphone jack on the volume dongle)

Said dongle doesn't affect headphone volumes speakers are muted when a pairs of cans are plugged in.

I don't has a "session" that often, but when I do I want to go to bed with sweating lobes.

As an aside any recommendations on earphones/cans that sound good but have good protection from leakage. Spend a lot of time of long haul flights and don't want to annoy neighbours.
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A portable headphone amp and headphones that are more efficient ( sensitive) would be the first steps. Go on over to the head-fi forum for recommendations.
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Earphones are very subjective and what suits one person perfectly might be another's nightmare. So, with that in mind, and also noting that I'm old and my hearing cuts off around 8kHz nowadays, you might not like to know that I use and love these:

For me, the ear seal is really good and I wear them on aircraft even when I'm not listening to anything. They make really good earplugs.

As my left ear is failing faster than my right, I'm thinking about making an iPod amplifier that not only boosts the volume a little but includes a balance control and individual tone controls for Left & Right. In fact I might make a start on it tomorrow!

(Those who are as old as I will readily appreciate the advantages of such a beast.)
Just plugged my shiny new Fiio in - wow!

Having a session right now. Annoyingly the family are off for a month on Monday so I have absolutely no need for this fro nearly 6 weeks, but still - excellent product.

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