Cats = On the point of getting a Pest Controller.

13 Jun 2005
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United Kingdom
More or less since we moved here some 25 years ago, Cats have been a feckin nuisance in our garden.

We've had new neighbours with cats and neighbours moved away with their cats, cats that have gone onto better things in the sky.

We tried all the gadgets, water hose, jeyes fluid, rose branch cutting (sore for their bums), powders/gels off the shelf to used to deter them, but still they plague us. Even tried having my daughters big bitch of a dog. Sometimes it competition between different ones to use the garden

Now at the point of get a pest control chap to rid of em.

Unless you tell me a proven method of getting rid of em.

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In my experience, none of the things you spread or spray or lay on the ground work. Prickly stuff is a bit better but you have to keep renewing it and it's a bugger when you're gardening. In my last place, I kept a supersoaker by the kitchen door and the evil ginger mog from next door learned to stay away but it took a lot of time and patience. I'm trying something different here - I've befriended next door's cat and let him use my garden as his own. He doesn't mess here (at least not so far) and goes around rubbing his cheeks on the steps, path etc. which seems to be keeping the other cats away. The downside is he leaves me presents of dead birds on the lawn!
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buy your own cat.

Not only will it chase out the others, who will respect its territory, but it will also keep its own turf clean and you can teach it to use a convenient patch of soil.

I have one of these....

Got it 5-6 years ago not only does it keep the cats away, it keeps dogs and their owners from fouling the front of our property.

There are several different settings, I had mine so high that the people who lived on the other side of the road were going funny lol

You would need to purchase a mains adapter because it goes through batteries at the speed of light lol

Oh and it's approved by the rspb...l it doesn't affect our bird life.
More or less since we moved here some 25 years ago, Cats have been a feckin nuisance in our garden.

We tried all the gadgets, water hose, jeyes fluid, rose branch cutting (sore for their bums), powders/gels off the shelf to used to deter them, but still they plague us. Even tried having my daughters big **** of a dog. Sometimes it competition between different ones to use the garden

It's about time some kind of legislation was brought in to publicly flog the irresponsible owners.
Tie them to a post, so every decent homeowner, tortured for decades by this selfish behaviour, can walk past and kick the ass of the owner.

I can tell you from experience, no matter how much money you are prepared to throw at it - there is no cure for this problem.

I feel your pain mate.
More or less since we moved here some 25 years ago, Cats have been a feckin nuisance in our garden.

We tried all the gadgets, water hose, jeyes fluid, rose branch cutting (sore for their bums), powders/gels off the shelf to used to deter them, but still they plague us. Even tried having my daughters big **** of a dog. Sometimes it competition between different ones to use the garden

It's about time some kind of legislation was brought in to publicly flog the irresponsible owners.
Tie them to a post, so every decent homeowner, tortured for decades by this selfish behaviour, can walk past and kick the ass of the owner
I can tell you from experience, no matter how much money you are prepared
to throw at it - there is no cure for this problem.

I feel your pain mate.

I have to t,ell you.... The yard guard does work, I haven't had cat carp or pee in my garden for years.
I have to t,ell you.... The yard guard does work, I haven't had cat carp or pee in my garden for years.

I clicked the ignore button instead of the quote button, sorry.

Anyway....There are thousands of sonic products on sale tilly, Ive tried a fair few. Useless.

But the fact of the matter is, why should the OP have to pay a penny for any of these sprays, powders, inventions in the first place????

Hundreds and hundreds of pounds over the years wasted, on what amounts to someone else's selfish behaviour.
I have to t,ell you.... The yard guard does work, I haven't had cat carp or pee in my garden for years.

I clicked the ignore button instead of the quote button, sorry.

Anyway....There are thousands of sonic products on sale tilly, Ive tried a fair few. Useless.

But the fact of the matter is, why should the OP have to pay a penny for any of these sprays, powders, inventions in the first place????

Hundreds and hundreds of pounds over the years wasted, on what amounts to someone else's selfish behaviour.

How very dare you ignore me ... Roflmao.

Seriously ! The yard guard does work. Over the years I have tried a couple of different ones and they were carp, but this beauty does do what it says on the tin.

I know the op shouldn't have to pay a penny to rid his property of cats, but he did ask if anyone had a proven method. If I leave my yard guard off for a few weeks the little carp machines come back. I turn it on again and after a night or two the garden looks and smells lovely.
It's about time some kind of legislation was brought in to publicly flog the irresponsible owners.
Tie them to a post, so every decent homeowner, tortured for decades by this selfish behaviour, can walk past and kick the ass of the owner.

I can tell you from experience, no matter how much money you are prepared to throw at it - there is no cure for this problem.

I feel your pain mate.
Interesting, isn't it, that it's OK for us to kill animals which are regarded as "pests" if they are wild, but not if they are owned.

And that if you owned a dog, but allowed it to roam freely, jumping into people's gardens, defecating wherever it wanted, attacking wildlife etc, you'd find yourself in bother.

So why doesn't the same apply to cats?

NOTE - any answers to that which involve, or essentially mean "well that's all in a cat's nature" will just prove that a cat is an inappropriate animal to be kept as a pet.

It really is not unreasonable at all to want ones garden to not be made unpleasant and possibly unhealthy by the activities of animals owned by other people, and it is the height of irresponsibility to own an animal and allow it to make other peoples lives unpleasant and possibly dangerous.

As far as I am concerned, nothing that anybody does to rid their gardens of cats is wrong.
Have to tell you all a funny story....
For years my neighbour has owned cats, they used to use my garden as a loo all the time. One even came on through my back door and jumped up on my kitchen worktops.... YUCK !

Anyway, for the last 10 years or so she has been cat less thank god. BUT, her front lawn is often covered with cat cack and she ain't a happy bunny, she moans and groans about how unfair it is having her garden ruined, and having to pick the offending poopies up

I reminded her about the years I suffered with her cat cack.

Silly old inconsiderate B1tch

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