The latest anti-UKIP 'documentary'


9 Jan 2007
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United Kingdom
I'm just watching this completely unbiased (!) programme, in which the producers have interviewed a no doubt carefully selected number of UKIP supporters.
I've so far seen a heavy preponderance of 'nutters' who, I am sure, the producers are hoping will appear to suggest that all UKIPpers are like that.

Channel 5, this time. The one thing this says to me is that the media luvvies are frightened of UKIP and are doing all they can to try to discredit them.

The feeble minded might be swayed, but not I.
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I'm just watching this completely unbiased (!) programme, in which the producers have interviewed a no doubt carefully selected number of UKIP supporters.
I've so far seen a heavy preponderance of 'nutters' who, I am sure, the producers are hoping will appear to suggest that all UKIPpers are like that.

Channel 5, this time. The one thing this says to me is that the media luvvies are frightened of UKIP and are doing all they can to try to discredit them.

The feeble minded might be swayed, but not I.

Exactly my thoughts... Ukip has now a very strong following and are a threat to the main parties so there should have been a wider selection of followers ... maybe they did and edited it just to show the nutters like that woman who reckons the EU is going to microchip us all :eek: :eek: fishermen talked sense though
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Jd has just went into lockdown. :LOL:

Yes, I noticed. He's had two threads locked in rapid succession.

As you said on one of them, his strategy when asked a question that he cannot answer is to have the thread locked.

I reckon that the only way to avoid this is not to enter into dialogues with him. It seems to have worked for his mate, anyway.

He's a right prat.
I'm just watching this completely unbiased (!) programme, in which the producers have interviewed a no doubt carefully selected number of UKIP supporters.
I've so far seen a heavy preponderance of 'nutters' who, I am sure, the producers are hoping will appear to suggest that all UKIPpers are like that.

Channel 5, this time. The one thing this says to me is that the media luvvies are frightened of UKIP and are doing all they can to try to discredit them.

The feeble minded might be swayed, but not I.

Exactly my thoughts... Ukip has now a very strong following and are a threat to the main parties so there should have been a wider selection of followers ... maybe they did and edited it just to show the nutters like that woman who reckons the EU is going to microchip us all :eek: :eek: fishermen talked sense though

Yes, out of the many interviewees, the fisherman, the cabbie and the eloquent Henry (can't remember what he did) were the only 'normal' people.

That was exactly my thought when I was watching it: that they edited it for entirely political reasons.

I hope it backfires on them.
Any thoughts on Farage's latest comments on immigration quotas?

I think he was right to 'do a U-turn', as they put it(!).

Trying to limit immigrants by number would not work properly: you'd arrive at the predetermined quota only to find a world leader in neurosurgery applying to come here!

Far better to admit people on a points system. If we would benefit from their presence - good. If they have nothing to offer and only want to come here for the handouts and free housing and healthcare - no way. We have plenty of them already.

Must get this post in quickly before JD has this thread locked as well.

I'd like to state here that I cannot conduct a discussion/argument with someone who does not respect free speech and the opinions of others, so goodbye JD. I suggest others might want to consider doing the same.
It's time to vote UKIP.

They are the party that are making the right noises and are promising to offer what the public want... other parties should take note.. I don't think they will win the election as per tv last night the media appear to try to put them down but they will make a lot of ground
You know it is possible for both the media to try and stitch up UKIP by making them look like idiots, and for UKIP to actually be a bunch of idiots.
You know it is possible for both the media to try and stitch up UKIP by making them look like idiots, and for UKIP to actually be a bunch of idiots.

I suspect that, assuming UKIP doesn't make as much headway in May as I should like, in a number of years from now you might well be eating those words!

It'll be too late then, of course. We reap what we sow.
It has just been reported on the news that Mr Cameron has stated that he will appear on one TV debate only, and that with another six politicians. No head-to-head with Mr Millibrain.

He has been accused of cowardice, of course. I cannot see any other reason for his decision. :LOL:
If I had to watch a political debate series, (and I honestly don't as I have a life to live), then I think it should be on a round robin basis.

One party leader against the others, one at a time, and then the next against the others etc.

After they had all done the one-to-one then a final debate with all of them together.
I'm just watching this completely unbiased (!) programme, in which the producers have interviewed a no doubt carefully selected number of UKIP supporters.
I've so far seen a heavy preponderance of 'nutters' who, I am sure, the producers are hoping will appear to suggest that all UKIPpers are like that.

Channel 5, this time.

JBR calm down, surely you know how television works. Producers deliberately target the more oddball characters of any organisation because they believe that's what the viewing public want. Think something like "Wife Swap" where they aim to have couples constantly arguing rather than getting on . If it had been about the Greens no doubt they would have portrayed them as pot smoking , sandal wearing communists . I've experienced it before through my re-enacting , producers want to make us look like nutters in funny clothes so we are very picky and cynical when approached , perhaps the people in that documentary should have been a little more cautious .
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If I had to watch a political debate series, (and I honestly don't as I have a life to live), then I think it should be on a round robin basis.

One party leader against the others, one at a time, and then the next against the others etc.

After they had all done the one-to-one then a final debate with all of them together.

That sounds quite entertaining, but there's no way Cameron would agree to that, or at least his turn at being grilled. In fact, I can think of only one contender who would have the ability to stand his ground against such an onslaught.

No prizes!
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