Recent content by Adam Grady

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    Loft conversion - king post / straining beam modification

    Cheers mate, much appreciated and thanks again for the advise.
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    Loft conversion - king post / straining beam modification

    Thanks for the quick reply, much appreciated. Shortening the king post and supporting it with a new tie beam at a higher position between the tops of the two queen posts with some steel brackets would work perfectly - I hadn't thought of that. It might be worth having the tie beam in steel to...
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    Loft conversion - king post / straining beam modification

    I am converting my loft and we have a king post / straining beam in the centre of the loft which would need to be modified to give us the required head height (currently only 1.6m clearance). What are the options for this, is it possible to leave the queen posts (vertical timbers) in place and...