Recent content by bb125

  1. bb125

    Frozen bitumen in my attic

    Hi guys, Tonight I've noticed that my attic bitumen is frozen on one side of my attic is this normal for the winter? Many thanks
  2. bb125

    Possible condensation in attic?

    That's one thing I have noticed the loft ladder hatch doesn't have insulation around it.
  3. bb125

    Possible condensation in attic?

    Yeah hopefully he's going to get to the bottom of it. Hopefully doesn't cost to much either. That's a really good idea will definitely do that.
  4. bb125

    Possible condensation in attic?

    Hi thanks for reply..the bathroom extractor fan was venting directly into attic untill I noticed I've now fitted that to a roof tile. It seems the bitumen is only wet/dam on one side right above a beam. I've check around for proper leak but couldn't find anything. Getting someone out Friday to...
  5. bb125

    Possible condensation in attic?

    Hi guys, Recently discovered our attic insulation is slightly black and also the bitumen membrane is slightly dam in areas. Anyone every had this problem or knows what's a possible cause?