Recent content by boilergonbust

  1. B

    Intermittent problem with Grant Vortex boiler

    Our Grant vortex is now 6 years old and once again we are going through this problem. After pressure vessel and make up loop was changed the pressure stayed constant for a couple of weeks but it is now cycling from 1 bar down to zero in 2 weeks. No sign of a leak in the system. I am getting our...
  2. B

    Intermittent problem with Grant Vortex boiler

    Hi James, Can't help with the programmer prob. but bearing in mind the complexity of boilers I would not go wireless, I do not trust telemetry. There are enough issues with grant boilers without adding another. You must have a system/ boiler leak to be losing pressure. I have already posted...
  3. B

    Intermittent problem with Grant Vortex boiler

    Hi mabdevon, Unfortunately we have a grant vortex now 31/2 years old, been trouble all its life and has failed yet again. Your pressure problem sounds like a system leak, we had leaks from the auto valves on top of the boiler and now have leaks from the pressure sensor and the make up valve...