Recent content by cantgetausername

  1. C

    Concrete footing problems

    Thanks for the reply's all going to start digging tomorrow will post how it turns out. thanks again
  2. C

    Concrete footing problems

    thanks for the reply. So i just get a pump or two running let the BCO see the footings and then fire in the concrete. will he be happy that the footings are socking wet when poured? Sorry for the idiot questions. Oh, where to fire the discharged water? street drain? thanks
  3. C

    Concrete footing problems

    Hi all, I have had a good search of the forums but cant seem to find the answer's I need. My problem is this, I am in the process of building a single storey extension, There are a few problems already and not too sure how to get over them. Don't want to embarrass myself in front of...