Recent content by charlie3

  1. C

    Noisy Loo

    Can't find washer at all - maybe it's completely worn away or maybe I'm looking in the wrong place! Just putting up with the noise for now until I find a plumber, thanks for all your help and advice anyway!
  2. C

    Noisy Loo

    Thanks, I'll have a look today and let you know . . fingers crossed!
  3. C

    Noisy Loo

    Ok, no digital camera sorry, so here goes ... basic Twyfords loo, flush on left, inside black triangle plastic thing that lifts up when flushing. Behind that white tube coming up from bottom (from mains then?), blue tap on top with white arm (red tap underneath) leading right to ballcock. Yes...
  4. C

    Noisy Loo

    Hi, thanks for quick response! I'm afraid I haven't got a clue as I don't even know which bit in the cistern is the valve!! Despite my login name, I am not a bloke and, sadly, have no knowledge of plumbing, hence my entering this site. I'll go to a local diy shop and ask for a new valve?
  5. C

    Noisy Loo

    Every time we flush the loo there is a long, very noisy sound, possibly from the pipes between the sink, bath and loo itself. I'm sure the people next door must be able to hear it. When the taps are run, it will sometimes stop. Help.....!