Recent content by daveyb1234

  1. D

    Removing Window Handle

    Cheers. I managed to find a broken stanley knife (im fixing things in my mother in laws house..........) and somehow cut it out with that. Installed the new handle now and with the amount of money she paid for it I imagine this one will be broken in a week too!
  2. D

    Removing Window Handle

    Does anyone have a simple way of removing the remaining part of this handle from the window? It looks like a sealed unit and therefore I cannot get at the screw under the white rectangular piece. Why is everything such a pain in the backside when it comes to this stuff? :D
  3. D

    Cellar Plaster

    Thanks for replying. Clearly I'm no plasterer but what you've said makes sense. My initial plan was to scrape the existing paintwork off and as you have suggested replace it with a decent quality masonry paint. I'm afraid Im not at home currently so cannot upload any more photos at this time...
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    Cellar Plaster

    I live in a 160 year old Yorkshire Stone house which has a fairly large but also fairly underused cellar. We've lived in the house about 2 years now and have finally got round to doing something with said cellar. We are lucky in the fact it is very dry most of the time so no damp issues or...
  5. D

    New Double Glazing Installed but Issues with Noise

    Nope Im afraid not, never even heard of that company.
  6. D

    New Double Glazing Installed but Issues with Noise

    Thanks. I have tested the windows and there is not even a slight hint of air coming through. Like you have suggested it is probably something to do with the material in there. I have however found what may have been keeping noise out previously. Please see below the photo taken with the...
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  8. D

    New Double Glazing Installed but Issues with Noise

    Yes both doors have been changed but I am pretty happy with them. The previous doors were horrendous and the front door you could actually see daylight through (we bought the house about 2 months ago and it had clearly just been left to go to ruin beforehand!) Obviously when the fitters come...
  9. D

    New Double Glazing Installed but Issues with Noise

    Thanks both again for the advice. I have tried the A4 paper thing just now and yes it is as tight as anything I can't even pull the paper out even with just a a little bit of the paper in. Here is a final shot of the window, again hard for you to see with everything being white but yes there...
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  11. D

    New Double Glazing Installed but Issues with Noise

    For your viewing pleasure here's a full shot from the outside and one from the inside. Like I said in a previous post they are coming back out to inspect but I just want to ensure I have the firepower to throw at them in terms of if theyve made a botch! If they need to look under the sealant...
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  14. D

    New Double Glazing Installed but Issues with Noise

    No it wasnt Yorkshire Windows, it was a firm with a good reputation around the area who id rather not name on the social forum! I thought caulking was a bizarre term! Anyway please find attached the photo of the sealant, it is like this round all windows with no obvious gaps. Also as you can...
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