Recent content by DidgePlayer

  1. D


    You want to try this next time.................... Andy
  2. D

    Oast house, problem calculating

    18.1 metres approx. Calculate as follows Radius squared multiply by pi (3.142 approx). Radius is half the diametre so 2.4 x 2.4 x 3.142. Here is an online calculator for you
  3. D


    cool 8) :lol: :lol:
  4. D

    How tedious

    probably at my house! :)
  5. D

    car seats

    Nothing, it is what it is. Whilst I agree with you of the inherent dangers of these vehicles, I don't think people buy them with specific disregard to other road users. I think people, generally, are unaware of the possible increased damage/injury and need to be educated to that fact...
  6. D

    car seats

    But that's not what you asked. To avoid it being a bigger risk, drive it more carefully, read the road ahead to avoid a collision in the first place. Drive according to the vehicle type. A bus/van/lorry would do as much if not more damage in the same circumstances as a 4X4 in an accident.
  7. D

    walk or not ?

    A,B, & C. They have as much right to be there as I do, and vice-versa.
  8. D

    car seats

    Surely by the way you choose to drive it.
  9. D

    Refused Insurance

    Companies may refuse on their experience in the postcode area, based on a type of insurance. If they have only insured two people in that area and they both had losses they think it's a bad area. If another insurer insures loads of people in that area and still had two losses, then they will...
  10. D

    The most geekiest thing you've ever done

    Yep, I would. Had a GSX1100EFE got bored with it, so changed to a DR750. Not a much power, but loads more fun. I've gone off big fours, and enjoy playing on big singles and twins. Ducati Monster 900 is sooooo much of a laugh. Go for it! :twisted:
  11. D

    Especially crass TV adverts

    The reason for the saab advert (but no excuse) is that saab make planes. Had one once, should have been shot down! :)
  12. D


    The wife, why else would I get married? :wink:
  13. D

    What minority are you?

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  14. D

    What minority are you?

    My minority group is Didgeridoo player :oops: