Recent content by Dmac234

  1. D

    Upstairs rads on all of the time

    Just been round to my mum and dads and for the last three nights the radiators upstairs have been staying on continuously even with the thermostat turned right down.Downstairs rads are working fine.Not too sure of the finer details of boiler make and the like.It is quite an old system with hot...
  2. D

    Banging boilers...

    ....We've all been there ;-) Seriously I have an Ideal classic boiler (6 years old).Been in the house a few years now without any problems with it.However in the last month or to its started making the odd banging noise as it warms up.I took the cover off of the boiler yesterday and...
  3. D

    Balancing Problems

    Reckon it could be Gas,as the upstairs rads warm up as they should in a single pipe system.Still, shutting one off shouldn't effect the others should it?
  4. D

    Balancing Problems

    Thanks for previous advice Hails. As i previously said,i just opened all the valves on all the upstairs rads and forgot about it.Until,that is, just the other day when my father in law came to stay.He was staying in our spare room and must of been warm in the night and shut the TRV on the rad in...
  5. D

    Balancing Problems

    Cheers Hailsham Boiler is an ideal,not sure of numbers,i'm at work at the mo. The system is pumped and i have hot water cylinder in the airing cupboard. the house was built in the 70's so the heating system is probably the same but may have been modded as all the rads upstairs are not...
  6. D

    Balancing Problems

    The rad in my little boys room only ever gets luke warm so i thought i would try balancing the system.i have now found out than when i shut off any of the rads upstairs the others(three of them)start to cool down.Am i right in saying that the rads should all work off of a hot water 'loop' and...