Recent content by dodo2

  1. D

    Remove silicon from glass

    Also an old-fashioned razor blade is good for this - watch your fingers though, tape up the edge you're holding.
  2. D

    Upvc window fixing

    masona's reply has prompted another question...what's the view on mastic or expanding foam as a substitute for a mortar bed?
  3. D

    Upvc window fixing

    Ta v much masona for your answer. Dodo2
  4. D

    Upvc window fixing

    Hi masona, Lengths are 180cm and 120cm Thanks
  5. D

    Upvc window fixing

    Thanks Oilman....I'll just skip that tip for now if you don't mind.
  6. D

    Upvc window fixing

    What is normal practice with regard to fixing Upvc windows along the bottom? Should fixing bolts be used along the bottom or are bolts at proper spacing in the jambs sufficient? Concern is that bottom fixing will allow water seepage into the channel containing reinforcing, and down into brickwork.