Recent content by DSR1

  1. D

    Urgent Advice Needed

    jeds - the building has planning to be 4m high. it is 4.5m high (as per the planning dept measurements) I think being half a metre higher than the allowed permission is quite significant, im not getting picky here over a couple of cm's. It is a huge brick wall behind my garden that I have to...
  2. D

    Urgent Advice Needed

    Thanks for your kind words noseall. Typical LUN.
  3. D

    Urgent Advice Needed

    but this developer hasn't applied to modify the original approved scheme as if he had the planning guy I spoke to would know wouldn't he? He's on my speed dial and im going to be up is a r s e with a flash light searching for this new application that might potentially be put in, not going to...
  4. D

    Urgent Advice Needed

    Guess who's just received a VM from the planning dept at Ealing saying they are putting in an application to reduce the height of the building???!!! However he did say the person building it can put in an application to make it lawfull as it is currently illegal. Surely this is grossly unfair...
  5. D

    Cheapest place to buy a banister

    thanks mate, they are a bit far away. i think thr supplier i found is quite reasonable and close aswell.
  6. D

    Cheapest place to buy a banister

    Anyone know? Right now its coming in at £100 for post, spindles, rail below spindles and hand rail
  7. D

    Urgent Advice Needed

    is being 0.5m higher than allowed still under and tolerance that is given? Sounds like the official term for this is 'shafted'.
  8. D

    Urgent Advice Needed

    thanks freddy. it looks much higher than that though. will try and post a pic. looks likes its easily 3 times my height and I am 6ft. (how do I post an image?)[/img]
  9. D

    Urgent Advice Needed

    I checked the building height again last night. As I didn't have a ladder and it was quite dark I was unable to use a tape measure. I did however do a brick count, it is 59 bricks high + the mortar inbetween. I know its not a totally accurate way of measuring but does that give some sort of...
  10. D

    Urgent Advice Needed

    thanks John, I will do tonight.
  11. D

    Urgent Advice Needed

    Darren called again and has found the correct file, he's also looked at images and says from experience looks like the building is 4m - 4.3m high but will come out again to measure if it appeases me. I have requested another measurement. Right now looks like i cant do anything, i will...
  12. D

    Urgent Advice Needed

    Luke - thanks for your reply, I have been onto the enforcement team. John - noted, I will look into notifying the developer. However the main structural work has been done and the roof is on. I have been chasing the council/planning/local councillor since the building started going up and up...
  13. D

    Urgent Advice Needed

    Nakajo - thanks for the names. I think I have managed to by pass that form and have got the planning officer a Mr Russell Quick to do a site inspection, however if the plans (when and if they send them to me) show that it should be 4m high then I'll complete that form to for good measure...
  14. D

    Urgent Advice Needed

    Hi John, At the end of my garden I have a brick built out building which is approx 3m high, behind that about 5 inches away is a 6.5ft wall which im pretty sure belongs to yard as it runs the whole length of the street. Im not sure which direction my garden faces, the rear of the building...
  15. D

    Urgent Advice Needed

    they aren't there, have to email to get them which I have done earlier today. Assuming they are the same drawings he showed me then surely I have a case? Should I leave it to the planning officer to deal with or is there someone else I can chase as I have very little faith in them. Any...