Recent content by edbp

  1. E

    Combi Egg Smell - Help

    I think i've sussed it. The flexible boiler drip pipe (0.5" diameter) inserts into a black waste pipe (1.5" diameter), thus it's open / loose, there's no seal. This waste pipe then goes down straight (ie. no U bend) and connects directly into the soil waste pipe from the back of the toilet...
  2. E

    Combi Egg Smell - Help

    He's seen it as it is now, the cover/wall was added whilst he was still on site. Do you think it may be lack of ventilation ? With the hatch/door closed it's quite a confined space.
  3. E

    Combi Egg Smell - Help

    It's a Remeha Avanta Plus 28c.
  4. E

    Combi Egg Smell - Help

    I have a two year old combi boiler and I’m convinced it is the source of pungent eggy smell. The boiler is located in our downstairs toilet behind a false wall, with a hatch/door for access. It’s mounted on an outside wall. The room directly above quite often smells of a drains / eggy...