Recent content by EsabSteelblue

  1. EsabSteelblue

    Living on an Island

    It’s certainly not for everyone here and is very much a place of extremes. Winter can be long and hard with it not starting to get light until nearly 9 am and dark by 3.30pm on the bad days. Steady 50-60 mph winds for days on end with gusts upwards of 100mph is not uncommon as well. Only three...
  2. EsabSteelblue

    Living on an Island

    Insulation stored in room ready to go up to the top floor as needed. This pile slowly but surely diminished over the next couple of months but will cover that in another thread on here. Moving back into the room in the new year (February I think) I had the woodwork to strip as it all had...
  3. EsabSteelblue

    Living on an Island

    Thank you. You have prompted me to do a little update as I tend to get busy and forget to keep this up to speed. I had email notification when you posted and thought Id best post a bit more. It was £108,000. But there was some issues regarding part of the land it was on having to be purchased...
  4. EsabSteelblue

    Living on an Island

    Oh good! Must have been a back end error somewhere. I was logged in when I tried to edit them as well. Still don’t get the option to edit them now but that’s not a problem as long as photos are showing now. I will update when I get more time Andy
  5. EsabSteelblue

    Living on an Island

    Hi and that is odd. I use imgur to host my photos and they are working fine on a blog I have been doing on this project so I am not sure what has happened. I will try a test image here and see if it works . And no it does not show up when I do a preview. Hope it gets sorted. EDIT It also seems...
  6. EsabSteelblue

    My 1000 square foot extension

    Interesting build. I like you am doing a blog on my own project and hate the way that blogs are in reverse order because it makes reading them a complete pain in the backside and if most people are like me you just get fed up with having to scroll up and down constantly to read it in order. What...
  7. EsabSteelblue

    Living on an Island

    Seeing as I had an email notification saying someone had posted on this thread I figured I should do an update. Without reading everything I have already posted all over again I will go over briefly what I have been doing and hope I dont repeat myself. 1) Slightly modified our existing kitchen...
  8. EsabSteelblue

    Living on an Island

    I can see where you are coming from in regard to the trees but there is no way those sort of trees would prosper here. Steady Winds of 40-50mph are common most the year round and in winter even higher with gusts of 80mph + a regular occurrence. 100mph + has been known often also although I...
  9. EsabSteelblue

    Living on an Island

    All I can say RigidRaider is start looking for somewhere. I think it might be hard to find exactly what you are wanting without having to sort out some of what you want when you have found somewhere and moved. I appreciate what you are saying you want but I think you will find it hard to find...
  10. EsabSteelblue

    Living on an Island

    We were under the impression that our place was using a septic tank but it turned out it was connected to the mains so I have no idea in regard to the logistics for septic tanks. Although I have lived at places with them in the past and its never been a problem. In regard to wind power I did...
  11. EsabSteelblue

    Living on an Island

    Continuing..... New gable. They added bellcast beading to break the area up and make it easier to do. The opposite end gable completed. (I will have to find a 'before' photo for this end and post it as well) This is new rendering on the back of the kitchen/utility. View of the front and...
  12. EsabSteelblue

    Living on an Island

    I will start with photos of the outside and apologise if this post is photo heavy. I have just been going through photos of the last three years and didn't realise just how many I have. In regard to the trees here. Well there are pretty much none at all except for a few plantations that I have...
  13. EsabSteelblue

    Living on an Island

    Ok. As promised an update. A lot has happened since my first visit to these pages with what you have seen above. I will keep it brief because I am sure that it will be boring hearing all the ins and outs of whats been happening. We decided that it would make sense to have a complete new...
  14. EsabSteelblue

    Living on an Island

    Well better late than never I guess! It’s been a long time since I started this post and a lot has happened during that time. Thanks for the comments that have been made in the last year or so. In regard to the grand designs suggestion I don’t think they would like the timescale involved and...
  15. EsabSteelblue

    Living on an Island

    That just about sums it all up. It has been a big decision but we have given it a lot of thought. So many people have said and keep saying to me 'why?' It does not matter how often I try to explain they still don't get it and you can see it in their faces. Below is where I was born and lived...