Recent content by Fratton sPark

  1. F

    Caption Contest 38

    Gary you beat me 2 it fella. Was gonna say "bring me sunshine -etc etc."
  2. F

    Late Night Quiz

    Moderator, deleted, keep it clean
  3. F

    health kick

    Crafty, try riding bike along Monks Path in Whitby, if you near it. Its not a hard bike ride, but a great feat of engineering. Well worth seeing pal.
  4. F


    OK Bob, through lack of an answer, I will give you the benefit of the doubt.
  5. F

    American Pop Idol

    Lol Noodlz. But I think the rednecks who were after action put their crosses next to the names of those twin nuns..... Sisters Bush. :)
  6. F


    Sorry Bob, have I hit a raw nerve, it was only meant as a light-hearted joke. As I take it, your reply was too?
  7. F

    American Pop Idol

    I don't watch it, hate things like that. But apparently more people voted for this years winner, than voted for Bush to become President. I didn't realise that as many as five people watched American Idol. :)
  8. F

    health kick

    Don't think it was me moz, who said that. I hate running mate.
  9. F


    Doing a raindance? But just think how many more peoples weekends you could of f***ed up if you had got your caravan out. The miles and miles of purgatorial tailbacks of people who can't pass you on country lanes. And then just as you finally reach a dual carriageway, and they can finally...
  10. F

    health kick

    I would suggest cycling in Yorkshire is an excellent way to exercise. I have tried walking up some of them hills, and if you can do it on a bike, fair play to ya.
  11. F


    Benalmedina? Is it not a treatment for diarrhoea? If not, and it is a Spanish resort, the water will probably give you Diarrhoea. :twisted:
  12. F

    Naked Sunbather

    Why the fe*k was Mr jones so shocked? And how shocked? It didn't stop him running for his cam-corder. Why on earth, are people on this island still so hung up about nudity? Is it a throw-back to theVictorian era? Sounds like Mr Jones was a throw back, a genetic throw back! If people aren't...
  13. F

    Diff Phase Circuits _ How far apart

    Thanks guys, totally agree bout the sticker issue. Also, cheers Jon, thats what I seemed to remember. Out of arms reach, or around 2-2.5m if no stickers. just wish I could see something in print, as a benchmark, so to speak. I'm guilty of being a bit of a stickler (not sticker) for details :?
  14. F

    Diff Phase Circuits _ How far apart

    Hi All, can someone please jog the cobwebs from my memory. When installing single phase circuits fed from different phases, how far apart should fittings etc. be? Its been a very long time since I needed to worry bout this, cause most of my circuits on different phases are always a substantial...
  15. F

    Sleeping pills

    On a serious note (well semi). I can understand it 4 men of a certain age, or who have physical dissabilities. But why do men in their prime need viagra/ cialis etc. I know/ have known people who sell it, and there selling point is "keeps u hard for hours." So does your wife/ girlfriend if you...