Recent content by gordon999

  1. G

    fixing leaky tap{9372014}%2fcategories%3C{9372035}%2fcategories%3C{9372173}&fh_view_size=12&fh_location=%2f%2fcatalog01%2fen_GB%2fcategories%3C{9372014}%2fcategor...
  2. G

    fixing leaky tap

    It drips constantly.. more like constant small amount of flow though the tap. If i fiddle with it a bit, the water stops coming out, or reduces the water flowing. I'll see if i can get the exact tap type up.
  3. G

    fixing leaky tap

    really? its gonna cost a whole lot to replace.. because of the sink its fitted to. It was fitted by a bonehead, and the design is awful. I'll probably call a plumber in the next few days. Thanks for the heads up, and replying
  4. G

    fixing leaky tap

    how would i go about fixing this leaky tap? I pretty much am a novice at this sort of thing. Its this sort of thing on the link.. but has one on each side. The whole turning mechanism is one piece of metal...