Recent content by Graeme2

  1. G

    Another Hot Feed/Expansion tank heating up question

    Yes sorry, the vent pipe. The bend is about 30cm above the tank, about 45cm above the water level. I think the float is bent up from me tying it up so often, I'll adjust it down at some point. The system is quite clean at the moment, I've done quite a bit of cleaning of the system, flush...
  2. G

    Another Hot Feed/Expansion tank heating up question

    Thank you, I've switched it to 1, and it doesn't seem to be running into the loft any more. I'll watch it, and also make sure the house continues to stay warm. New house, the system was incredibly dirty and although set to 3 I think the old pump was about to die anyway. So when replacing a...
  3. G

    Another Hot Feed/Expansion tank heating up question

    It just started recently. Changes that I've made to the system are new pump (facing the right way). Some fernox restorer for a week, then drain and refill with some fernox inhibitor. I've also changed 2 radiators (changing some pipe work). On the cylinder side, pretty much only the...
  4. G

    Another Hot Feed/Expansion tank heating up question

    Hello, I've seen other people's posts on here, but they don't appear to be quite the same as mine. My expansion tank is being warmed by water from the overflow. I can hear it dribbling in through the overflow, so it isn't submerged in the tank. By elimination I now know that it only...