Recent content by greengin

  1. G

    Building the simplest of bed frames

    I checked Champion Timber web, and the price seems to be the same (or slightly more expensive) than B&Q :S, and I'm not sure they'll cut the timber to my measure. However they seem to have more sizes available so less wastage hopefully. Anyway I have to call a few timber yards to check. I...
  2. G

    Building the simplest of bed frames

    Yes there seems to be a few. The other thing is that B&Q will cut the timber to measure (free or very cheap for the number of cuts I need). I'll try to call a couple of local timber business to see whether they cut it to measure and the charge for that... (it's not like we have a proper...
  3. G

    Building the simplest of bed frames

    In Sutton, not far from the B&Q which we found by chance as we drove by...
  4. G

    Building the simplest of bed frames

    The idea of him climbing over the the stair gates is my nightmare... I found many guardrails that can be used with any bed, I guess that's necessary. Thank you for mentioning this!
  5. G

    Building the simplest of bed frames

    Thank you for the details, I think we'll try those numbers. Actually our double bed has 11cm gap between slats, 7cm sound better for me. At B&Q we only found timber of 2.4m, meaning 60cm wastage per 2 slats. We'll look for a local timber yard. To be honest, the main reason to go to B&Q is...
  6. G

    Building the simplest of bed frames

    Big-all: no need for folding, the mattress wouldn't work for that. Folding may be the reason why they are so expensive. With 14 94mm slats the gaps are 45 mm, £40. How about redwood pine? Is white softwood better for this? Foxhole: he's 1.5yo. We thought of the barrier, but we are sure he'll...
  7. G

    Building the simplest of bed frames

    Thank you for the response, that futon is £100. Initially I was thinking of using 16 slats of 90cm * 65mm * 20.5mm. At the price we found at B&Q that'd be £40. If I need to use 94mm * 20.5mm slats, that'd be £46.5. I cannot find the price of the two or three main timbers (most likely...
  8. G

    Building the simplest of bed frames

    Hi all, I'm thinking of building a frame for our little one's first bed. We got a 90cm x 190cm mattress, and would like to put it on a low frame that allows mattress airing but won't let him fall from high. The point of building it ourselves is the chance of saving a bit (maybe) but mostly...