Recent content by gregblack

  1. G

    Unsolicited work on roof

    Hi Joe-90 I have been advised that it is a civil matter (police not interested)and as such I would have to take them to court, I will have to wait until after the new year 6th January for the solicitors to reopen. One thing for sure I am not accepting the work done until I am satisfied. Have...
  2. G

    Unsolicited work on roof

    Hi he is not working for me and has already done work without my consent and will probably do the rest when I am out. The neighbour has been told I do not want him on my roof. He puts nothing in writing. Cheers greg
  3. G

    Unsolicited work on roof

    Hi the latest on this is the contractor has now changed his mind and says he is not finished, I have not yet been able to seek solicitors advice because of he holidays. The question now is do I let him continue ? merry christmas all cheerio Greg
  4. G

    Unsolicited work on roof

    I am not a roofing contractor and therefore need to get an unbiased opinion, will my local authority (council) have a department that would deal this? or where should I look to get this inspected. Next door argue that anyone I call in will only be interested in getting work, so it has to be an...
  5. G

    Unsolicited work on roof

    Thanks yorkie1969 the neighbors believe their contractor, I did show them and the contractor a print out of some of the earlier replies and got told that they did not believe them, I offered them use of my ladders to have a look that was declined I provided them with photographs of the work but...
  6. Untitled


  7. lead roof box and drain

    lead roof box and drain

    roof box & drain
  8. G

    Unsolicited work on roof

    Hi there was a central drain forward of central in the flat roof area this went under the roof and came out through the wood shingles just above the catch box on the drain pipe. (The lead pipe was inside of the flat roof except for the inlet and exit I don't know why they altered it. The council...
  9. G

    Hi thanks this is a really good forum and I am learning all the time. My special thanks to the...

    Hi thanks this is a really good forum and I am learning all the time. My special thanks to the forum members who take time to contribute, it is these members who make successful forums
  10. G

    Unsolicited work on roof

    Hi this is going to get messy as my neighbor says he wont allow anyone on his part of the roof other than a building inspector. who would I contact to organise that is it building regs? Should I be paying toward having the roof returned to its original look? Obviously I will have to pay the new...
  11. G

    Unsolicited work on roof

    Hi sorry I am not very good at this, the before & after pictures the one with the ladder is the after picture and gives a totally different look to the front of the house. pictures are in // I have not discovered how to include the in the...
  12. Untitled


  13. Untitled


  14. Before and After

    Before and After

    One picture shows how the eaves line df the roof should look the other shows what has been done.
  15. G

    Unsolicited work on roof

    Hi thanks for you comments, I am not a roofing contractor and have only gleaned what information I can from the internet and trying to use common sense. The contractor can not or will not produce any evidence of any qualifications. My gut feeling tells me he is a cowboy and my neighbor only...