Recent content by grummie2

  1. G

    Insulating boiler ?

    Thanks chaps ! I'll pass on the remarks ! I'm just going to make the box out of 25mm polystyrene sheet and ply. I may suggest he gets someone to review the placement of the controls or addition of others.
  2. G

    Insulating boiler ?

    Thanks chaps ! I'll advise my mate about the loop. I was wondering about the ventilation for the unit, I don't want to cause more problems than I'm solving! I'd be much happier if I just need to insulate the 'control', or advise him to get a pipe stat fitted?
  3. G

    Insulating boiler ?

    I've been asked by a friend to make an insulated 'box' to go around his boiler in the loft. He says that the cold in the loft is making it come on more than is necessary. Is it safe (he's been told it is !) to do this, or is the thermostat separate so only that needs covering ? I'm a woodworker...