Recent content by IanRich

  1. I

    Baxi Barcelona Lockout

    Bill that would be great if you could email it to [email protected]
  2. I

    Baxi Barcelona Lockout

    Tim, In answer to your question about noise. Mine is relatively quite, you can hear the burner when it's on, but nothing excessive. I do get a bit of a 'clang' when it first starts up after about 15 seconds, but I think this is just some panel or other expanding with the heat and deforming...
  3. I

    Baxi Barcelona Lockout

    I own a Baxi Barcelona and my bother purchased a Baxi 100 HE two months after me. I have had intermittment lock out problems and was told to clear the condensate trap (yellow plug under bottom right hand side of boiler) I got a lot of what looked liked black/grey silt or very fine sand out...