Recent content by Ihavenojob

  1. Ihavenojob

    Notable Obituaries.

    Steve Albini
  2. Ihavenojob

    Pro-Palestine Protests

    Telling students what is what
  3. Ihavenojob

    What are you watching on TV right now?

    Is there a shortage of sleeping tablets?
  4. Ihavenojob

    How many?

    4 guys. Did one of die?
  5. Ihavenojob

    Notable Obituaries.

  6. Ihavenojob

    Poor Londoners

    A lot of people voted for him, not because they wanted him to win, but because they didn't want the Tory to win. Not voting wouldn't have made her lose.
  7. Ihavenojob

    Private Number Plates

    I thought hairdressers drove Audi TT's
  8. Ihavenojob

    Notable Obituaries.

    Peter Oosterhuis
  9. Ihavenojob

    Bod voted Tory in Harlow. How did you vote?

    Maybe the ones who didn't answer are wives/daughters of muslim men?
  10. Ihavenojob

    BBC News, WTF?

    I watch BBC news rather than ITV, seems less chavvy. They both omit lots of news. My point is not whether the BBC is biased, just that saying alleged victims and alleged attack is beyond belief. It happened, people were injured and a young boy lost his life, really.
  11. Ihavenojob

    Intelligent Speed Assistance

    That will be down to all the crumple zones on newer cars. Why would our money grabbing government introduce tech which could reduce a huge amount of income from speeding fines? On another note, heard about a guy who took his Hyundai Kona in for a service, while in they did a software update...
  12. Ihavenojob

    BBC News, WTF?

    Just watching the news, reporting on the Hainault attack, talking about the man arrested for the "alleged" attack and the "alleged" victims of the "alleged" attack. You might at a pinch get away with describing the arrested as the "alleged" attacker, but not the victims as "alleged" victims.
  13. Ihavenojob

    Bod voted Tory in Harlow. How did you vote?

    I voted for Ken. Won't vote for Sad IQ as he doesn't represent labour, no one has since John Smith.
  14. Ihavenojob

    Bod voted Tory in Harlow. How did you vote?

    I will be doing my bit to get Sad IQ out, but as already said, he will be buoyed by the muslim vote. May have to post the result in the obituary thread.
  15. Ihavenojob

    How's your luck with Premium Bonds?

    £125 for me and £75 for SWMBO