Recent content by jcc2009

  1. J

    Toilet Overflow

    Thanks for all of your help swidders. We're taking it up with the insurance people tomorrow. However, before I go (been doing some bedtime thinking) Could it be possible that the water filled the blocked pan to a level where the whole toilet formed itself into some kind of u-bend, with the...
  2. J

    Toilet Overflow

    THANKS FOR THE QUICK REPLY... when we had the overflow, a quick plunge solved the problem (but the damgae was done). Just narked that the "surveyor" hasn't believed us. There appears to be so much distrust around right now.
  3. J

    Toilet Overflow

    We had our toilet overflow last week... whilst we were bathing the kids the toilet was continuosly filling after flushingh and overflowing from the bowl (for about 20 mins), flooding the kitchen below. Trouble is, the insurance don't believe us and seem to think that the toilet would have only...