Recent content by jglover

  1. J

    Damp coming through gaps between drywall boards

    I mean I had a damp course done in my house, and they used blue engineering bricks at the bottom of the wall (i.e. behind the skirting) to prevent damp from the ground rising up into the walls. The wall is solid and is rendered. The damp is coming through 4 feet above the ground in a...
  2. J

    Damp coming through gaps between drywall boards

    Oh, I saw quite a few topics about damp in here so assumed it was the right place. My mistake.
  3. J

    Damp coming through gaps between drywall boards

    I recently (6 months ago) had a blue brick damp course done, with moisture resistant boards (drywall? Not entirely sure) stuck to the walls before being plastered. Not less than two weeks after the job was finished, damp patches started to appear on the wall where the boards join together...