Recent content by jimbobaggins8

  1. J

    Moving/Squeaky engineered hardwood floors

    Thanks, that's good to hear. Saves me trying some messy method of injecting sealant with a syringe!
  2. J

    Confused American: Joint Compound vs Filler vs Spackle

    Hi All, I recently moved to the UK and am confused about the various fillers and joint compounds. I’m fixing a corner where the wall meets the ceiling and putting in new joint tape. What should I use and can someone give a quick rundown? What’s the equivalent of “mud” in the US? Is polyfilla...
  3. J

    Moving/Squeaky engineered hardwood floors

    They're about 20 years old. The new expansion joints helped, but i'll try the talc method, thanks!
  4. J

    Moving/Squeaky engineered hardwood floors

    Hi all, first post. The engineered floating hardwood flooring moves quite a bit and is squeaky, particularly around the door frame. I took off the skirting boards and noticed there wasn't any expansion gap, so I've cut one using a multitool, but the floors still move/squeak. Could the floors...