Recent content by jonnyd963

  1. J

    "Ticking" noise from mid position / 3 port valve (

    Thanks for the advice - I have checked the motor prior to draining down, and there did not appear to be a problem. As it turns out, it was worth looking, as it has saved me some work (and some expense) replacing a valve that seems to be operating as it should. So, I've done some more...
  2. J

    "Ticking" noise from mid position / 3 port valve (

    Thanks OilLecky - I've read up on a few of the forum threads, and the ticking noise (in most of the posts) is almost always accompanied by a fault in valve function (as you say, often the micro-switches) - not so with mine. I suspected that it might be a dodgy valve - but thought Honeywell...
  3. J

    "Ticking" noise from mid position / 3 port valve (

    Hi there - new to the forum, but I hope there is someone out there who can help me with this! I've always had a problem with a "ticking" / "tapping" noise (not an air-hammering / water-hammering type noise, more tinny & metallic) coming from a Tower 3 port / mid position valve. This is...