Recent content by kendonot

  1. K

    Zebrano veneered mdf

    I know a company in Leeds who may be able to help.
  2. K


    The first posting asked the following: Do you think these dogs which are classed as " dangerous " be put down ?. All dogs can be dangerous, is it the dogs fault or the way they been treated/trained etc...? Responsible dog owners do their best to train their dogs to behave appropriatley...
  3. K


    There is a specific way to act around all animals as there is around people, dogs are very teritorial and do have a built in instinct for survival. If a person does something to a dog which takes it by surprise or intimidates it the dog will react as if it was in the wild. Training or not a...
  4. K


    With some dogs it comes down to breeding, though training is what I think the biggest problem is. However saying this.. in the recent cases am I correct in thinking that the families of the children who have been attacked ( and it is absolutly terrible) were not the dogs owners, therefore did...