Recent content by kevinabland

  1. K

    Help – Have I Got Wet Rot? Pictures Included

    Thanks Chri5. I managed to have a good root around in the lft today and it would appear I have condensation - probably as a result of poor ventilation since the loft was boarded and re-insulated. My task for next week is to imporve the ventialtion (vents, etc) and let the wood dry out. I...
  2. K

    Help – Have I Got Wet Rot? Pictures Included

    Thanks xr4x4 - the pictures link should now work...
  3. K

    Help – Have I Got Wet Rot? Pictures Included

    Can anyone help? I had a look in the loft today and noticed what appears to be wet rot along the horizontal roof beams – see pictures. Can anyone confirm that the fungus is wet rot? If so, what’s the treatment to cure it? I am concerned why the...
  4. K

    Rubber Stoppers on Cabinets

    Hi all, Can anyone tell me what the small rubber stoppers are called that prevent kitchen cabinet doors from slaming shut??? I am sure you all know the ones I mean - they sit inside the cabinet and have a small protruding rubber stopper attached to a small damper that prevents the door...