Recent content by lonnat

  1. L

    Concrete shed base dipping 20mm in one corner. Any remedies?

    There is a hope! Ripped off the silly structure in 10 minutes - two of us, amateurs, armed with chisels and hammers. Nice and tidy now, although not level. A builder who came today was lovely. Listens and gives great advice. I just hope we can afford what he quotes. If all goes well, bathroom...
  2. L

    Concrete shed base dipping 20mm in one corner. Any remedies?

    Thank you SittingBull. Frame made of timber, stack on the top of thin layer of concrete(2cm or so), over the original concrete surface.:(. Thank you for giving hope.
  3. L

    Concrete shed base dipping 20mm in one corner. Any remedies?

    Thank you. We will have to sort it out somehow. Not happy at all.
  4. L

    Concrete shed base dipping 20mm in one corner. Any remedies?

    We have a builder coming tomorrow (hopefully a real and one. Recommended by friends) to tell us whether he would build a shed on that slab - with or without the ring. The ring has a thin layer of fast setting concrete underneath. Not sure whether to rip it off asap or wait til tomorrow and see...
  5. L

    Concrete shed base dipping 20mm in one corner. Any remedies?

    Thank you WabbitPoo That confirms our suspicions, unfortunately. The repointing on the wall behind, is also left with lots of holes full of cobwebs,, didn't even brush before repointing, He has been paid and is gone. Unfortunately we are left with this.
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    Concrete shed base dipping 20mm in one corner. Any remedies?

    Thank you oldbutnotdead, the builder constructed this today in order to remedy the problem. He saiid that this is now ready for the shed. We are not sure about it and are thinking whether we should remove it before it sets. We paid for the old base to be removed and for new concrete one to...
  7. L

    Concrete shed base dipping 20mm in one corner. Any remedies?

    Thank you oldbutnotdead, We have not paid yet. Not the cheapest quote (the cheapest was the half of this quote)
  8. L

    Concrete shed base dipping 20mm in one corner. Any remedies?

    freddymercurystwin well, it seems to be dipping to one side, but measuring it with a leveler the surface is not even in few other places, bit patched up all over, differences several mm, but the main concern is the corner visible at the top of the image, between the fence and the wall
  9. L

    Concrete shed base dipping 20mm in one corner. Any remedies?

    Hello, I would be grateful for advice. Our concrete shed base is not level, one corner is lower that the other three (20mm diference). We want to put a strong wooden shed on that base and would like it to last for a long time, The tradesman who just made that base says it will not be a...