Recent content by M4D-H4TT3R

  1. M


    Yea dpc is on the wall about halfway up first step. Yea fixing downpipe and gutter is on list. The internal damp due to this is extensive and has been happening for a long time as it looks like its tried to be fixed multiple times internaly. Tharefore my assesment was roof/chimney problems...
  2. M


    Cant really leave gap as it nabours land thats why i thought tank and frenchdrain
  3. M


    This is the interiour wall maby a foot above the groundlevel outside
  4. M


  5. M


  6. M


  7. M


    The image with the steps shows the interiour floor height and the images with the planters on is the patio area belived to be the cause of the damp,
  8. M


    Ahh ok so digging down to dpc and then putting some type of tanking on the wall from the dpc up the wall would be the solution, and then a ground/french drain to take the exsess away, ill provide photos later. Thankyou
  9. M


    Hi, I have a damp interiour wall and i belive it is due to the patio outside being about two foot higher than the interiour floor height, i was considering puting dranage along the wall with the patio on which toutches the wall. Which sort of drain should i install, a surface drain or a french...