Recent content by Mr Impedance

  1. M

    !!!!Damp Proof Course!!!!

    I dont know if this will help but I had a similar problem in my kitchen. It had a DPC about 8 Years ago but it had not lasted. So I had a few quotes what a rip off, so I decided to go it alone hacked the plaster off then drilled a new hole (10mm I think it was) in the brick directly above the...
  2. M

    new false ceiling for downlighters

    If you can try to get some fixings into the wall as well as the joists I think that will hold it I did same thing in my kitchen whitch is 6m by 4.5m and its solid. About the downlighters needing airflow as long as you dont place anything directly on the lights you will be O.K My...
  3. M

    Textured Paint

    Very good play on words I like a person who can have a laugh :lol: . Anyhows I think using textured paint is a good idea if you want your room to look a bit rustic Hay each to their own. I do prefer the more modern look my self but some one has to keep the past alive. Also in my years of D.I.Y...
  4. M

    Textured Paint

    Get Real Get A PLasterer to do a proper job cheap skate