Recent content by Mum29

  1. M


    Im from Lancashire and my lights were flickering a bit and my computer went a bit nuts but I didnt feel anything much, I was too bothered about my stupid boiler that night. Even though it wasnt the boiler, it was a stupid smoke alarm! :oops: :lol:
  2. M

    Constant High Pitched Noise From Worcester 24i - UPDATE

    Hehe, thanks Chris, its nice to know im not the only person that has happened to. :lol:
  3. M

    Constant High Pitched Noise From Worcester 24i - UPDATE

    Well, the plumber came and sorted our boiler out alright. Would you all like a laugh at my expense? :lol: Well, heres the diagnosis - it was flamin' spare smoke alarm at the back of the cupboard on the shelf with was sounding off because the battery was low!!!!!! :roll: :roll...
  4. M

    Constant High Pitched Noise From Worcester 24i - UPDATE

    Good morning everyone. Thanks for your patience with me wittering on last night, I was awful panicky because of my son asleep in the room facing it but now that were all up (I fell asleep around 3am) im a bit more calm as were away from it and can go out. The plumber will hopefully call...
  5. M

    Constant High Pitched Noise From Worcester 24i - UPDATE

    Yeah, it says it on the front, the lights orangy red. The noise is still there, every now and again (not regular) it goes a bit wonkey and then back to the same again. I dont know if this will be of relevance but its quite windy here right now and ive been taking a bit of notice and...
  6. M

    Constant High Pitched Noise From Worcester 24i - UPDATE

    Oh right. :oops: So if I turn it off at the plug and the orange light goes out everything else is off? Its a gas boiler so im assuming it was like other gas water systems. Im having a hard time understanding about how boilers work and the sound is driving me crazy now lol. aaand...
  7. M

    Constant High Pitched Noise From Worcester 24i - UPDATE

    If the boiler is just on standby as I call it, no water is running, no heating is on apart from the pilot light. Even though its still giving this high pitched constant whistle, nothing bad is gonna happen is it? Im worried whatever saftey valves or whatever is in there has failed or...
  8. M

    Constant High Pitched Noise From Worcester 24i - UPDATE

    As the heating is switched off the pressure is going back down to 1 (it goes up to 1.5 when on). Its still screeching/whistling. Its not running whatsoever. I have tried weird ways to try and stop it like running cold water/not water. Flushing the toilet - :lol: I read that somewhere...
  9. M

    Constant High Pitched Noise From Worcester 24i - UPDATE

    Is the filling loop the little tap thing to fill it with water and get the pressure up? If so yes. As for water coming from outside, ill have a look now. Im not technically plumbing minded so I didnt think of that. :oops:
  10. M

    Constant High Pitched Noise From Worcester 24i - UPDATE

    I think an hour and a half has passed now and its still not stopped. Its not even on and hasnt been for ages. Should this stop after its completely cold as its just been on standby for ages? Dumb question but, does the boiler have an electrical alarm in it somewhere for something?
  11. M

    Constant High Pitched Noise From Worcester 24i - UPDATE

    Ive tried it and its just continued. :( Thank you for the reply though. :)
  12. M

    Constant High Pitched Noise From Worcester 24i - UPDATE

    Just as some additional information ive remembered to put in, sorry to go on a bit im trying to think of as much as possible. The boiler is around five years old. We had new radiators fitted and the new boiler back then, there is some old pipework that still remains though. We have had...
  13. M

    Constant High Pitched Noise From Worcester 24i - UPDATE

    Its still going :( My 2 year old is disturbing now, Ive had to shut his bedroom door completely. Why does this have to happen at nearly 10pm. I called our plumber but got voicemail, hes a friend of my husbands and I thought I might have got through to him. I dont blame him for having...
  14. M

    Constant High Pitched Noise From Worcester 24i - UPDATE

    We have a Worcester combi boiler fitted on our central heating system. We have had noises in the past which I wasnt happy about, they was sort of rattling noises within the boiler when it was turned on which settled after being on for a while. The plumber came to have a look and said there...