Recent content by nel5on

  1. N

    Having Problem mitering my worktops...Photos included

    Damm, Maybe your good.... Checked my "jcb" router and the guide is cast off center, only by a mm or 2, with no adjustment?? So will look at buying another router and try again..., Thanks for the prompt, I wouldnt have thought the "tool" could be at fault, only time will tell.... I'll...
  2. N

    Having Problem mitering my worktops...Photos included

    Hi Jason, I feel the Jig is fine and the guide has only approx a mm in it....and cutter is 12.7mm But the offcut wont fit back against the orginal cut properly? My thoughts are, cut this on paper on the center, now off each side cut another 6.3mm the inside corner will get "tighter" and the...
  3. N

    Having Problem mitering my worktops...Photos included

    Hey guys, Thanks for the helpful info on installing the RSJ's for my kitchen Now I'm routering my worktops, Ive started with some scrap worktops, but cant get a good fit... The Jig is in good cond, router cutter is a bit tired(new one for good tops). But as you can see from the photos...
  4. N

    Wet underfloor heating, why not do it this way?

    I like to think I'm thinking this out properly, I'm asking questions to learn both why and why not,nothing has been done and no cost outlaid yet. Somethings things are over so complicated just to justify the cost in this country! In NZ we can buy a house and move in, in 3 days, I know, I've...
  5. N

    Wet underfloor heating, why not do it this way?

    I have no axe to grind about where ppl come from, I'm a kiwi, and I guess thats why I don't take some things from granted...I have a basic understanding of heat, and also know, that if I reduce the flow to one of my rads I can adjust that rads temp output(rad expelling more heat than is getting...
  6. N

    Wet underfloor heating, why not do it this way?

    My thoughts are, if I reduce the flow, this will in effect alter the floor temp? I'm not saying anybodys wrong, just want to understand why this wont work? Cheers, 8)
  7. N

    Wet underfloor heating, why not do it this way?

    Firstly I don't know about underfloor heating, and didnt understand why you put rad's under windows, until a heating engineer told me about how it worked, heat hits cold window then "tumbles" into room, creating better movement of heat....? I could understand this now... For wet underfloor...
  8. N

    Plasterboard onto breeze block wall

    If your not worried about insulation, just glue it, building merchants will have bags of powered plasterboard glue, mix with water and whack it up. Its a lot stronger than it looks too.
  9. N

    Hints on installing RSJ's, how and when?

    Thanks for your advice, If the beam runs parallel into a Single course wall, should the padstone be, short side along the wall, or long side down the wall(can i put it on it's end?) and how much beam contact on the padstone? Understand? I'm in Gnosall, had 3 builders come to quote, some...
  10. N

    Hints on installing RSJ's, how and when?

    Hi Guys, Been lurking for some time...but now thought I ask for some direct advice. My background has some building in it, but all in wood(i'm from NZ) I have 2 load bearing brick walls to remove....and have all the approvals and SE reports. So just looking for a little bit of Know how...