Recent content by northernwarrior

  1. northernwarrior

    Exterior re-rendering: How to get a decent contractor...?

    Hi we do a lot of modern renders, and i also teach for a co that make decorative renders, we have done small boundry walls up to large a Travelodge and Premier inn, loads of pics and refrences, drop me a pm if you would like a chat
  2. northernwarrior

    Internal Rendering mix

    I personally would not use lime in a scratch coat , as it can affect the performance of some water proofing additives, but that's my personal opinion but the volumes that roughcaster has suggested are ok, but then again i would use a 6:1:1 sand/cement/lime mix in my top coat and no additives...
  3. northernwarrior

    rendering porch prep

    Depends on what render your wanting to apply , ie traditional , pre bagged ocr or monocouche etc
  4. northernwarrior

    Help - Asbestos Ceiling?

    Being an older 30's house the ceilings are more than likely lime plaster on lath with horse hair or similar mixed in , difficult to tell from the pics, i would personally just over board the ceilings and skim , but at the end of the day it's your decision as to whether you get em checked for...
  5. northernwarrior

    Roughcast or Tyrolean?

    Just use a monocouche colour through render, much quicker, cleaner and looks better imho
  6. northernwarrior

    Plastering over inside wall treated with Thompsons WaterSeal

    Don't know where you get your SBR from but mine is definitely diluted in water, at the end of the day the wrong product was used , and yes there is a barrier there but nothing will stick to it!!, fix a membrane over it and save your self some trouble
  7. northernwarrior

    Plastering over inside wall treated with Thompsons WaterSeal

    to be honest i don't think using sbr and cement as a "spatterdash" will help you out of this situation, as far as i am aware Thompsons is silicone suspended in a solvent, so this will repel any thing that you apply that is water based, either create a really good mechanical key (grind out all...
  8. northernwarrior

    Rendering a timber plywood build

    Heres a system we did on a travelodge that was timber framed and clad in aquapanel, renderd in sm700 with fibreglass mesh then topped in silicone grade conni s, very flexible system [/img]
  9. northernwarrior

    Rendering a timber plywood build

    Not known any of em to back up a guarantee yet , they always blame it on a construction/design/build / applicator issue, never ever their fault or faulty product, but there are better systems out their and you may want to consider using a render carrier board rather than eml and using a high...
  10. northernwarrior

    Removing Rendering. Best Way.

    Just showing what his/her options could be , just as you did
  11. northernwarrior


    This is paint technology mate nothing like plaster, normally prime the render then apply as tight as possible and rub up with a plastic float as soon as it starts to cure ( temperature,humidity dependant)
  12. northernwarrior

    Removing Rendering. Best Way.

    Even realistic looking stone work off any type or colour[/youtube]
  13. northernwarrior

    Removing Rendering. Best Way.

    Loads of effects can be re created
  14. Brick effect render

    Brick effect render

    close up
  15. Brick effect render

    Brick effect render

    Job done, near perfect match to the existing property