Recent content by OliverD

  1. O

    High Pressure Unvented Cylinder - Installer Advice

    Sooey - yeah that's right probably didn't explain myself properly. The megaflow system is a Range Tribune which gives out 3 bar and comes with a PRV (as I can get considerable discount on these). Both were suggesting fitting a PRV. My worry/question was whether the mains feed should go...
  2. O

    High Pressure Unvented Cylinder - Installer Advice

    I've now had a couple of G3 certificated plumbers around, both all seem competent and I'd be happy in installing the megaflow cylinder. But both of them have a different view on the installation. Currently I have a gravity fed system. I have a 22mm pipe straight off the mains coming into...
  3. O

    High Pressure Unvented Cylinder - Installer Advice

    So if I've understood this right? No G3 on GR means they can still have certificate to be competent to install the system. But a G3 GS plumber needs to register it on GS. What's the main benefit to me as a consumer on the second point then?
  4. O

    High Pressure Unvented Cylinder - Installer Advice

    DC - it maybe because I'm on Mac (had a few problems with the GR site) Thanks Lee - I will call some of the local guys who've got G3 on GR site if the other guys can't show me there certificate. If anyone lives in Solihull area and has G3 please PM - I'll get you around for a quote.
  5. O

    High Pressure Unvented Cylinder - Installer Advice

    Thanks DC I've tried the advance search, searching for just unvented, but it brings up lots of plumbers, some it seems without unvented qualification. I've searched the plumbers who've quoted and they don't come up either as being registered. Would you worry? Thanks
  6. O

    High Pressure Unvented Cylinder - Installer Advice

    Can anyone clarify something for me? I'm having a high pressure unvented hot water cylinder installed. Had three quotes from different plumbers, all who talk knowledgeably about installing the system. However, when I've asked do you have an unvented/G3 certificate, they've looked blank at...