Recent content by peterdarlison

  1. P


    Honest opinions Obviously another idiot here Woody is a surveyor so it says,,,,,,,,OF WHAT?????????????? Even if in the building its like asking a lorry driver whats wrong with a mercedes car ignition problem!!!!!!!!!! This is my las post because I just cannot listen to the crap im...
  2. P


    Ha ha woody Just another labourer who knows better lol Is this why ur on here cus nobody takes u seriously on site LABOURER FFS Not worth talking to Speak to me when you are qualified!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your beneath me End of thread case solved
  3. P


    You still aint answered have you woody Your beginning to sound now like my labourer Last time , what qualifications have you or we will assume youve just picked it up me ole son
  4. P


    Please do brag woody im sure we would all like to know 25 years is nothing without qualifications And by the way building sand has too much silt in it nowadays to use as pointing mortar.
  5. P


    And your age and qualifications are woody??????
  6. P

    glow worm micron 50ff problems

    Whats a overheat/high limit stat? Pete
  7. P


    Jack Pointing is not necessary as modern day recessed pointing is not a problem for damp. However a 1930s property is more than likely sand lime mix and therefore weathers easier. Also a cavity would help but again most 1930s houses are one brick thick and although it takes 6 to 8 inches for...
  8. P

    glow worm micron 50ff problems

    HI all. I have a micron 50FF on a W plan system. It fires up and heats the water , then changes to heating. However recently when it stops and starts up again to go through the firing procedure it comes up as fault . The reset light is flashing and the burner light flashes too but slower...