Recent content by robjackson

  1. R

    Baxi Barcelona Lockout

    Tim, my Baxi hasn't ever made much noise only really a gentle hum. I don't have to sleep near it but none of my housemates have ever complained. Obviously the usual clicking sounds occur on fire up. It did make a racket when it reached boiling before killing my tank. The reason for Baxi is...
  2. R

    Baxi Barcelona Lockout

    Heating Engineer visited this morning and merely laughed at my boiler. He must have listed 20 things that were wrong with the original installation. Including putting a 22mm pipe connecting into a 15mm further down the route, no thermostatic control, incorrectly sized boiler for 8 radiators and...
  3. R

    Baxi Barcelona Lockout

    Thats the point the guys who tried to fix the boiler originally were so called heating engineers. The guy who actually diagonosed the problem was a plumber!!! He wasn't Corgi registered so couldn't fix the problem but he was extremely knowledgable about the boiler as he had one himself...
  4. R

    Baxi Barcelona Lockout

    I had been experiencing the lockout/overheat problem for the last few weeks when this weekend disaster struck. Having had THREE visits from a local plumber and numerous tinkering, the header tank collapsed. The reason for the collapse - the boiler kept showing the lockout light lit up but...