Recent content by RoldyA

  1. R

    unlock electric cupboard

    Thank you Bernardgreen, i actually have that tool as i know i needed it for the Lucy lock key underneath the two holed lock i am trying to loosen off. I hadn't realised that the pins on the handle were used for this. The pins fit perfectly but its just so hard to remove. Just so im clear is...
  2. R

    unlock electric cupboard

    thanks RF lighting. i gave it a good go with your suggestion but the metal is wearing off and i cant get a good enough purchase to twist. I ve added some WD40 and will try again later to see if this works. Open to other suggestions.
  3. R

    unlock electric cupboard

    Hi all, I am trying to get my electric metre changed. I live in a very old block of flats and the engineer needs the current turned off so they can swap the metre over and so i can get further electrical work on the flat done safely. Unfortunately access to the the fuses for my half of the...