Recent content by Rybka

  1. R

    leaking bay window canopy

    Thanks for your replay Gazman16, Attached are some pics of the roof [/img]//[/img] (alt+p) I have checked the bay window canopy and it looks fine (no cracks ect.). I was outside in the rain last night checking the bay window canopy. So I...
  2. R

    leaking bay window canopy

    Thank you for your replay s60tsy. The leak is above the window...the water comes via the thin crack above the window ... Hopefully (the crack) can be seen on the three pics. (alt+p) Any advice/suggestions would be appreciated. Many thanks in advance
  3. R

    leaking bay window canopy

    Hi All, I am looking for some advice. I have a bay window ( covered with lead externally) that is leaking inside (only along the window line). I have been out in the rain and I can't find the source... Do you have any ideas what the possible reasons might be for the leak...